Chapter Eight

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It's been three days since Mello and I shared our first kiss. For the past three days we've been expressing our emotions towards each other much more and it's great. However, time is the enemy and deep down, it's time that we fear most and it's time that we all yearn for. And as information was released two months ago that L had been eliminated, I can feel time catching up to us as their has to be a final decision for whom will be the successor of L. It's an ongoing competition for Mello and Near and we can all sense the rivalry between them but neither us know who will be the next L. I just hope that whatever the outcome, mine and Mello's relation wont change.

"I can feel you staring at me." Mello says as he sits at his desk studying.

"What?" Matt snaps out of his daze.

Mello turns around from his seat with his legs crossed, his tight leather trousers rubbing against the chair with half a bar of chocolate in his right hand, he takes a bite before saying, "I realize I look 5% more attractive with a chocolate bar in my hand but it's rude to stare."

Oh yeah, that's right, he's served his punishment of being deprived from eating chocolate. "Sorry but you're just so seductive-looking. And what about the other 95%?" Matt grins.

Mello returns the grin, "Well, the other 95% I'm just naturally attractive."

"I never realized it until now but without chocolate you kind of lose your personality." Matt laughs.

"I lose my personality? that's a bit overboard." Mello flings a textbook at Matt who lies on-top of his bed.

Matt catches the textbook, putting it down next to him. "Damn, you really need to control your temper and stop flinging textbooks at me."

Mello turns around to grab another textbook but before he can get a grip of it, Matt is already standing next to him clutching on to his upper wrist, restraining him from grabbing it.

Mello sniggers, "Wow, you move fast."

"Mhm." Matt sinks onto Mello's lap, his grip still on Mello's wrist. The smug smile still plastered on his face from earlier. Matt gently presses his luscious lips against Mello's, as if he was so delicate he could break into shards of the rarest diamond. Then, their kiss intensifies and Matt reaches his spare hand around Mello's neck, embracing him even closer. With their bodies resting on each other, both can feel each other's increasing heart-race. Suddenly, their door creeks open and a young boy with white hair and over-sized white pajamas stands peeping through the gap of the door. Mello and Matt turn their necks, pulling away from each others embrace. Mello drops the chocolate from his right hand. Near.

Above is a picture of Matt, Mello, L and Near.

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