Chapter Six

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Mello and Matt are sat on a grassy hill which overlooks the town. Mello is positioned with his back against the large oak tree which towers them with his eyes shut as Matt is sat next to him wrapping his fingers around the long grass. The sun begins to go down as dusk approaches.

"We should probably head back now, Quillish might get suspicious." Matt says as his eyes are fixed on the grass.

Mello sighs before turning towards Matt, "This is nice." 

Matt looks up to face Mello in surprise. What is wrong with him today? Why is he being so dejected?  And what is he even on about?  Matt asks himself. "...What's nice?" 

It takes Mello a few minutes to reply and Matt begins to wonder if he even heard him before he says: "Being with you, where we have no other priorities to worry about." Right then, Mello and Matt's eyes meet, Mello's crestfallen, blue eyes glaring into Matt's captivating, green eyes. All that can be heard is the Autumn leaves dispersing onto the ground as the wind whisks them away. Matt allows the grass to untangle from his index fingers. Mello looks away, he focuses on the pigeons that fly by. Matt still looks at him, he can sense his intense stare which discomforts him somehow.

"Sorry, I don't know what had gotten into me there."  Mello then looks down onto the grass, almost shamefully.

Then, unexpectedly, Matt leans in towards Mello, his hand caressing against Mello's small, lissom, hand. Mello looks at their hands, motionless. Matt's right hand brushes Mello's chin-length, blonde hair.  Then he tenderly moves his hand to Mello's face, lightly stroking his soft cheeks. Both their lips part, Mello could feel Matt's warm breath against his skin. Matt tilts Mello's chin upwards, their noses brushing against each other as Matt's lips delicately meets with Mello's for the first time. Mello closes his eyes, his heart racing, his mind exploding with a new wave of contemplations and his body stiffened by Matt's tender touch. Matt pulls back, whispering into Mello's ear, "Never apologize to me." his tone sounded like a lullaby in Mello's ear.

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