Chapter Three

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The moonlight reflects on the glass window of Mello and Matt's room. Mello has just awoken from the nap he took earlier that evening, he awakes to find Matt sitting at the bottom of his bed asleep. Mello begins to question why he's lying at the bottom of his bed, he looks across from his bed to see Matt's DS lying on his bedside table then he realizes, he was waiting for me to wake up...

Mello silently removes himself from bed, trying not to wake Matt up. However, being in the dark doesn't do him any favours as he trips up over Matt's multiple cables on the floor and ends up getting his foot tangled on them. Matt wakes up with a sudden shock of terror in his eyes, then he looks down to Mello sitting on the navy carpet untangling the cables from his foot, with a grin on his face as he rubs the tiredness from his eyes.

"Well that was wise." Matt giggles as he looks down onto Mello.

"Sorry to have awaken you," Mello replies concentrated on untangling the cables, "but you know you could at least be helping me untangle these, I mean after all it is your cables. So, technically you're partly responsible for this."

"Well allow me to be the genius and switch the light on." Matt walks over to the lampshade on Mello's bedside table. "Now I'll come and help you."

As Matt walks towards Mello, Mello can feel his heart race increasing. Stop it, stop. A tint of red begins to show in Mello's cheeks. Matt sits down beside Mello, he gently takes Mello's foot onto his lap as he untangles the cables from his foot, his thread-like fingers unwinding the cables quickly yet carefully as if he's done this sort of thing before. 

Mello can't help but to look at Matt as he does it, he can feel Matt's cold, slender fingers moving across his foot. Mello sighs, how stupid is this, is it supposed to be romantic or something as Matt untangles my clumsy incident?

"Thanks Matt," Mello says, "but I'm sure I'll manage from here." Mello goes to re-claim his foot back until Matt grabs his wrist to stop him. "No," he says as he then drops Mello's wrist, Mello looking surprised by his unanticipated movement, "I'm almost done." Mello leaves him to it though he now just considers his move there. That's unlike Matt, he'd usually allow anyone else to do it themselves if they said so... anyone else that is...

Within a couple of minutes, Matt has finished untangling the cables, he stays looking down onto Mello's foot, "It looks like you've got a few red marks now, you should be more careful since the cables were so tight they could have cut off your blood circulation if they'd been around your foot much longer." Matt then looks up at Mello worriedly.

"Since when did you become so considerate?" Mello asks;

"Since I discovered that you're a complete dolt." Matt laughs.

"Hmph." replies Mello.

"Oh, so you aren't going to disagree with me? that's a first." Matt grins.

"Just because I didn't protest doesn't mean that I'm not disagreeing. In fact, I'm unsure why you think I'm a dolt as I've barely done anything to earn that label." 

"I can name many times when you've been a complete dolt, and I don't just mean by your clumsiness. I also mean like the time you knocked down Near's block towers, surely you knew you were going to be punished for it?" Matt laughs once again.

"Ugh, don't bring that brat up into the conversation." Mello stands up. His foot a little sore from the cables, he walks with a bit of a limp towards his bed, stepping past Matt who then follows his movements but back to his own bed. Matt looks down at his foot, noticing the red marks haven't faded or even healed just a little. Why must he hide his weaknesses from me? It's hard trying not to love him.

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