1 -new people

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the amount of people there was ridiculously overwhelming, how was she supposed to learn everyone's names?

besides, she had just arrived from a long flight from hong kong, she had better things to do than introduce herself. she had enough time for that on the even longer trip to the moon. for now, she could sit and revel in what she was about to be a part of.

until someone unusually pretty decided to interrupt her.

"hi! i'm haseul, you?"

kahei turned her head to respond, but instantly flushed due to the girls beauty. she had sparkling brown eyes and hair to match, with a slight wave in it that accentuated her jaw. "oh, um, i'm kahei."

"cool!" the unusually pretty girl named haseul sat next down to her, and kahei's uncomfortableness skyrocketed. she was not planning for this. kahei didn't want to be the one to make it awkward though, so she tried to talk to her.

"uh, where are you from? i mean- i uh i know you're probably from korea, i'm just- nevermind." well that just made things worse.

"i'm from suncheon-si! how about you?"

"oh, i'm actually from out of the country."

haseul turned eagerly, "really? that's so cool!"

kahei suddenly felt at home, maybe this experiment wouldn't be so bad.

✰ ☾ ✰

yeojin's hand was holding a little too tight onto hers, but there was no use trying to get her sister to let go.

"do you think there will be any other people here that already know each other?"

jiwoo looked at yeojin, "i'm not sure. i know we're the only people who are related that are a part of the experiment, but i don't know any more than that."

"i'm nervous."

"i know, it'll be okay."

yeojin let out a sigh and slowly let go of her sisters hand. "thanks"

and they walked together to the place where the chaos was about to begin.

✰ ☾ ✰

"jungeun! stop running so fast!"

she looked back to see jinsol, struggling to catch up.

"sorry!!" she ran back to jinsol and grabbed her arm.

they raced together, and eventually reached their destination.

jinsol supported herself on jungeun's shoulder while trying to recover. "first things first, i know you're fast, but i'm not that fast. we've covered this."

jungeun shifted jinsol's arm so she was holding jinsol, and looked at everything around them, before glancing back at the dark-haired head lying on her chest. "yeah, i'm sorry."

jinsol pulled away from her and examined the people around the two of them. "this is so weird."

"it is"

jungeun and jinsol had been chosen together, due to the people in charge thinking it would be better to have a couple people that were already close as a part of the experiment. the two of them have a history of doing things like clubs together in high school, so they tracked down the girls and were delighted to see they were still friends. they were chosen for the experiment, and here they were, 6 months later. at the place where they were going to be sent to the moon.

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