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"Bitch, I'm going to fucking kill you."

I ducked before the launched item could hit its target —my head and glanced around surreptitiously, noticing that a few people had turned our way in curiosity.

Oh, for God's sake. Not again.

"Where the hell did you go? "

Picking up the launched item —a fry, I gave Laura a 'really' look for being so dramatic. She wasn't even that angry. She just couldn't open her mouth without calling the attention of everyone in her vicinity.

I chewed on the fry, stifling a grin as she narrowed her eyes at me. Deciding I didn't want to push her any further and have her draw more eyes to us, I said, "I had an issue that I needed to take care of. "

Abi glanced at me then. She'd seen me come home but she didn't know I hadn't come straight from the party.

Shit. I totally forgot.

Her brows rose and I held my breath, waiting for her to say something. When she simply resumed eating, I took that to mean she wasn't going to out me. I exhaled. Thank God.

"What 'issue' could you possibly have had? " Laura frowned, cutting into her chicken with a knife and fork. I watched her in envy. I still couldn't do it even after being taught several times by Abi. The chicken always managed to slip out of my grip.

"It wasn't that important, don't worry. " I dismissed, sipping my juice, but Laura wasn't buying it at all.

"If it wasn't important then why did you leave? " She pointed her fork at me. "You could have stayed and done whatever it was on Sunday. "

"It was..." I grasped around for something to say. "I mean, it wasn't. It just demanded my immediate attention and I couldn't find you in the party quickly enough. "

I applauded myself for keeping my voice stable as I told the lie. Not that it was a lie. Omar had demanded my attention quick and I might not have been able to find her fast enough considering how crowded the party was. Yet justifying myself still didn't stop me from feeling like I was lying.

Quite shockingly, she flushed guiltily at that. "Yeah, well, I might have been busy. " She glanced quickly at Abi as if expecting her to say something. Abi remained silent.

I wondered why Laura looked so guilty. Then I remembered the guy that had wrapped his hand around her waist, whisking her away when I stood next to Axel and I thought I might have an inkling after all.

"How did you get home? " She asked quickly and if I were to guess, I'd say she was trying to push the spotlight off her.

It was my turn to feel guilty now. I just hoped it didn't show on my face. "I ordered a ride. "

"Oh. " She shook her head. "I forget Uber is a thing since I'm always driving. "

She believed me!

"People with cars. " I joked nervously and she laughed, seeming surprised. Of course she was surprised. I'd made her laugh before, but I hadn't been the one telling the joke.

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