5. Planning

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"Sally! Sally, open the door!" Wilbur pounded on the front door with his fist. The girl had avoided every call for almost two weeks now. He needed to head back home soon, and he didn't want to leave her.

"Sally please, just talk to me." His other arm hanged by his side, hand clutching a bouquet of flowers.

He stopped knocking after a moment, just staring at the door. Nothing.

He sighed and turned to go.


He spun around, and there she was. She smiled at him. She looked sick, really sick. Her skin was pale and the bags under her eyes were deep purple.

"Oh my god, Sally." He rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her. "Are you alright? What's wrong? Why have you been avoiding me? Actually, no, that doesn't matter. Do you need a doctor?"

"Wil, Wil, shush." She placed a hand on his cheek. He breathed out. "I'm okay, alright. Come inside and I'll explain."

Sally shut the door behind him as he entered.

"I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm so sorry. I pushed you or something, and I-"

She shut him up with a soft kiss.

"Shut up, Royal boy." She whispered after she pulled away, planting a second kiss on his cheek.

"Sally, wha-"

"Shh, come here." She said, pulling him over to the couch. She sat and he followed, right next to her.

"What's going on?" He asked after a moment.

"I'm pregnant." She said, searching his face. He frowned.

"My dads gonna kill me." He whispered. "Not, not that you did anything wrong. It's not your fault, of course." He got quiet again. "God," he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her. "Is this why you've been avoiding me?"

She nodded. "I was afraid you'd leave."

"I'm not... I mean, I'm won't leave you alone." He looked determined now. "You can come live with me, and we'll set your mom up in a nice house in Front Royal. My dad will probably insist we get married, at least formally, for the public, you know." He started to babble. "And you can meet my brothers, you'll love them, I just know it. And you won't have to be worried about anything. We'll set you up with the best handmaidens and you'll be safe and comfortable and-" he cut himself off. "That is, if you want."

"I'm not even done with school."

"There's tutors in the castle. We can set you up there after."

"I guess... that would probably be okay."

Wilbur stood then, and then kneeled in front of her. His arms wrapped themselves around her middle and he pushed his face close to her belly.

"Hi, little one." He whispered to the tiniest of bumps that stayed there. "You are so so loved, baby. I love you so much already." He pressed a soft kiss to her belly.

Sally couldn't love him more.



Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm really having fun writing this. It's been a while since I've written romantic scenes. I really enjoy it.

Love you guys!

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