15. Finale

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The crowd cheered as the royal family took the stage. Phil first, smiling at the crowd, donning his signature green suit and tall gold crown. Then, Techno, his infamous axe hanging at his side, in less formal wear with some armor. Wilbur then entered, wearing a simple black suit with yellow touches, arm in arm with Sally, in a beautiful yellow dress, baby Fundy balanced on her hip in his own tiny yellow tux. Finally, Tommy walked out, dressed in the fanciest suit he had ever worn. It was all white, with a red sash going across his chest.

Phil took his seat atop a tall podium, Techno to his right, just slightly lower. Wilbur, Sally, and Fundy sat side by side a row lower. And at the bottom stood Tommy.

"We gather here today to celebrate Prince Thomas Simon Alaric 16th birthday." Phil announced, smiling. The crowd went silent. "As you all know, when a prince reaches 16, they are sworn in as a crowned prince." Phil stood once more and walked down to where Tommy already stood.

Sally clapped with the rest of the crowd, smiling proudly at her brother-in-law

"Thomas Simon Alaric, I now pronounce you Crowned Prince of the Antarctic Empire." Tommy kneeled in front of his father, who placed a small intricate crown atop his head. Tommy stood and nodded, bowing to his father. He then turned to the crowd and smiled brightly, camera flashes going off.

"I'm proud of you, son."

Sally stood immediately and handed Fundy over to Wilbur. She walked down to him, proudly beaming at him.

"Congratulations, Tommy." She whispered to him, embracing him in a tight hug. "You're going to do great things, just like your brothers." She fixed his tie for him and smiled widely, adjusting the sash on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Sally." Tommy nodded to her.

Another camera flashed, and then the royal family was ushered out of the room, away from the prying eye.



Also, I hope someone picked up on what I did here. Comment your guesses 😉

Thank you all so so so much for your support.

If you like this book, I encourage you to check out The Forgotten Kid, which is my most popular book, with over 200k reads now(omg).

I also have a oneshot book that is up.

Since this is my most recent story, I'll announce this here;

The next story is entitled Home. It follows Tommy through the foster care system.

More news to come on that, but it will be my next project!

Thank you all again! See you soon!!!!

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