11. Baby

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Sally could barely think about the fact that they had just swooped her baby away, in too much pain to even register what was happening. She felt her vision going in and out, and felt like she couldn't breath.

She barely heard Wilbur yelling at Tommy to stay with her as he ran out of the room to follow the baby, as instructed by the doctors.

She felt Tommys much smaller hand grasp onto hers, and she gave him what she hoped would be a reassuring squeeze.

She heard two pairs of footsteps run into her room, and then two doctors were yelling. They were saying something about medication when Sally finally lost consciousness.


When she reawoke, the hand in hers was still there. She could hear Tommy breathing beside her, and assumed he was asleep. She was so thankful for Wilburs little brother.

She didn't hear much, except for a heart monitor beeping over and over. It sounded like there was someone else in the room, but she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes.

And then she fell asleep again.


When she woke for the second time, the hand in hers was once again still there. This time, she heard Tommy talking quietly to someone.

She opened her eyes and saw an exhausted looking Wilbur sitting with Tommy, the older having an arm around the younger. Technoblade was also there, seated next to Wilbur, head in his hands.

She remembered that their father was out of town for the week.

"Wil?" She whispered, mouth incredibly dry.

"Sally, oh my god, how are you feeling?" He stood immediately, turning his full attention to her.

"I'm okay, Wil, where's the baby?"

"Surgery." He sighed. "He has a heart defect they didn't detect. They aren't sure... Sally, they don't..." he trailed off, eyes filling with tears. "They aren't sure he's going to make it."

"Oh god." She whispered, feeling Wilbur wrap his arms around her tightly.

She felt numb.


The third time she woke up, the hand was no longer in hers. She had practically passed out from fatigue a few hours after learning the news of her son.

Her son.

He was a boy.

She never even got to see him.

She opened her eyes slowly. He should be out of observation now, surely. And Wil said he would wake her up if something bad happened.

So maybe everything was okay.

"There, Tommy, just be gentle." She heard from the other corner of the room.

"I know, Wil, I got it."

She turned her head to the voices.

Tommy and Wilbur were standing over a small crib that had machines all around it. Their backs were to her, but she could see the wires led to a little bundle laid in Tommys arms.

She smiled.

"Wilbur?" She asked.

Wil turned to her and smiled wide.

"He's okay, Sally. Tommys got him." He said softly. Tommy slowly turned towards her.

In his arms, behind wires and tubes and blankets, was her little boy.

"Bring him here, Toms." She reached her arms out for her baby.

Tommy slowly walked towards her, Wilbur gently pushing the machinery along with him.

He laid the baby in her arms.

He was so small, the doctors had said 5 pounds earlier, she hadn't really been paying attention then.

He was beautiful and tiny and perfect.

"Did you ever think of a middle name?" Wilbur asked.

They had talked about the name for a long time, they had one for a boy and one for a girl.

Fundy for a boy and Evangeline for a girl. But they hadn't settled on a middle name yet.

"I was thinking Fundy Thomas Alaric."

Tommy looked like he was going to cry.



Just to let you all know, I'm going on vacation on Saturday so the last chapter posted will be on Friday. I will resume posting on Sunday, July 11.

Hope you all are enjoying and I love you all!

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