9. Baby?

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"I'm pregnant."

It was silent. You could hear a pin drop.

"Excuse me?"

"I am pregnant." Sally repeated, clearing her throat.

It was quiet again. Phil just sat there staring.

"How far along?" He asked after another moment.

"3 weeks now." She said. Wilbur grabbed her hand.


It was deafening.

"Please say something." Wilbur said, looking up at his father.

"What am I supposed to say, Wil?" He asked, his voice going soft.


It was quiet for another moment. And then,

"Your mother would be so happy." Phil whispered.

She could practically feel the tears welling up in Wilburs eyes.

"You're not mad?"

"Mad? No. Disappointed, maybe. But never mad." He said.

It was quiet again.

"You're gonna have a baby?" Tommy asked, looking between them.

"Yeah, we are." Wilbur nodded. He squeezed her hand from under the table. This was good.

"Cool!" Tommy said, smiling. "Can I teach it how to ride a horse?"

"Maybe when they get older." Sally laughed softly. "You can teach me, if you want. I've never ridden a horse before."

"Really? Cool!" Tommy cheered. "Wilbur, you're girlfriend is awesome." He said.

"Yeah, I know." He nodded.

"Can I go visit Tubbo now?" Tommy asked.

"Sure, Tommy, go ahead."


The dinner was soon over, nerves were forgotten, and everything seemed good. In the coming months, Phil helped them build a nursery and buy everything they would need.

Wilbur had asked her to marry him about four months into her pregnancy. And they were finally able to announce to the public that they were having a baby.

Of course, as with all things, there was a bit of backlash against having a child out of wedlock, but that's just what happens sometimes.

Sometimes things don't go as well as you hoped they would.


"Wilbur!" Sally yelled from their bedroom. Wilbur was in the bathroom, about to step into the shower.

"Yes, love?" He yelled back.

She sat up slowly, placing a hand on her now very swelled belly. She was now 7 months along, and even more excited to have her child in her arms.

"Somethings wrong!" She yelled, groaning. There was a sharp, burning pain in her stomach. Like cramps, but worse.

"What, what is it?" He was quickly running into the room, having thrown on his lounge pants.

"I... I don't know. Somethings not right." She clutched a hand over her stomach. "We need to go, now. Somethings wrong. Really wrong." She looked up at him, eyes wide.

Being so young, she was placed on bed rest a few days ago. She wasn't to put too much stress on her body. They found a few issues, making her a high risk pregnancy. That news, of course, came with high anxiety.

"Okay, okay, just... hang on." He ran to the corner and grabbed the hospital bag, just in case.

"Wil-" She groaned. "Wil, we have to go."

"Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, let's go." He pulled her arm gently and helped her hurry down the hallway.


Hey guys!

Just to let y'all know, the next part will be out on Monday. I am out of town for the weekend so I won't be posting any parts during that time.

Hope you all enjoyed and I love you all!

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