8. Dinner

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Sally sat on the bed in her and Wilburs room, waiting for him to be ready. She had been getting ready for the past hour, and of course he put it off until the last minute.

"Wilbur, hurry up!" She said through the door to the bathroom.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He walked out with his suit jacket thrown over one shoulder. He was frantically trying to button up his shirt, holding the blue tie in between his teeth.

"Need some help?" Sally asked, walking over to help him tie the tie once he had buttoned up his shirt.

"Thanks." He said, sighing.

"What's got you all worried?" She asked, straightening his jacket out.

"I just... I don't know how my dads gonna take this. I don't know what he'll do." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"It will be okay, Wil." Sally said, fixing the hair he messed up. "Everything is going to be just fine, alright?" 

"How do you know?"

"Because no matter what, we'll still have each other."


"So, Wilbur, how was your time in Calmernock?" Phil asked as they finished up the meal.

"It was lovely. It's a very quaint and cute town." Phil nodded.

"I visited one time." He started. "A couple of years ago now, I think. There was a draft there and so I went to rally the boys." Phil laughed. "They were so excited."

Sally felt a pull in her heart. She remembered Mason telling her about that. About how excited he was. She looked down and took a breath.

"Are you alright, Sally?" Wilbur asked, sensing the tension.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She looked up. "I didn't know you had visited Calmernock before, Phil. How did you like it?"

"Oh, it was a beautiful little town. Really enjoyed myself there." He nodded.

"Yeah, I'd say little is the right word." She laughed softly. "This palace may be bigger than the whole place."

"Really?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, Tommy, it's tiny. You know what, maybe when you're older I'll take you there to see it." She said. Tommy smiled wide.

"Really?" He asked again, eyes lighting up. "Dad, please can I go visit Calmernock?"

"Maybe when you're a bit older." Phil said.

"Uh, dad, Sally and I actually have something to tell you." Wilbur said after a quiet moment. Phil nodded. Both of his brothers looked up, curious. "Well, uh, it's just that... umm..." Wilbur looked over at her.

She took a breath. "I'm pregnant." She muttered.



Sorry for the late update. It's been a busy week already.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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