Chapter 17

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You who smiled so pretty
In my dreams that felt so real
I wonder who you are
Looking at your hazy face
I try to recall my blurry memories
You who talked to me
I don't remember what
But I can feel the warmth
That I felt that day
Whenever wherever I was with you
Your voice like a melody
This lullaby I hear it every night
I wish I knew what you said
Why is it that
When I'm trapped in darkness
I can always see you shining?
You who smile so pretty
Look so beautiful
An angel that came to save me
A devil that came to ruin me
I wonder who are you
Why don't I know your name
I know that I know you
But I don't seem to know you
You who I'm sure I once met
Disappeared, fainted into thin air
Melted into the wind
Along with your light
I tried searching for you
Why don't you come see me?
The invisible you that I can't seem to remember
Do you even exist or are you just a fantasy?
Strangely, you were the only one
There for me when I needed someone
But now you have gone and become a stranger
In my life you used to be faded into the background
But without a supporting character there won't be a main character
I wish I cherished you more
Not realising how precious you were
You near me, felt like home
But with you far away, there's a hole in my heart
Who are you?
Where are you?
Im obsessed with your identify
I crave your company
You whole smiled so pretty
That beautiful soul
With a comforting aura
Like a thief in the night
You came and took my heart
Left without a goodbye
Now I long to see that pretty smile

The girl's existence is like a feather. So light, that it can fly away, disappear into nowhere. Now all that they remember about her is a girl who always smiled so pretty. Hope you enjoyed reading this, if so do vote and comment to let me know what you think 👇🏻❤️❤️❤️

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