Chapter 24

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When I hold the pen in my fingers
The blank pages in the book
End up being filled with words
That lingered in my mind
Started out with a dear diary
Wrote about my life daily
With no dreams and goals
It was a simple story
My average life
Didnt felt to interesting to write
Shifted to writing my plans
Goals that are still not fulfilled
Wishes that are still lingering
It made me feel not like myself
I was turning to the path of hating myself
Then I stopped
I took a break from writing
Didn't open any book for a while
Holding a pen felt unfamiliar
Until one day I couldnt hold back anymore
Pent up feelings inside a bottle
I had to let it out
So once again i started writing
When I hold the pen in my fingers
The blank pages in the book
End up being filled with words
That lingered in my mind
Which word is next is a mystery
But i am ready to be surprised
As I pick up the words that come to my mind
Pouring my heart out on these empty pages
I feel relieved after letting it out
I'm grateful to be born a writer
The swirl of words
Of this new world
Inside these words
When I hold the pen in my fingers
The blank pages in the book
End up being filled with words
That lingered in my mind

The girl with no one to share to, ends up writing all her thoughts down in her diary. 💔
Do you guys also journal or keep a diary? I used to keep one, but then I forgot to write in it and after a long time, it went out of habit. I do wish I could continue journaling but frankly, I don't even know what to write so I end up not writing anything. Lol.

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