SEQUEL 2) And You Can't Find a Thing to Say

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A/N: Quick disclaimer! I am British and don't know much about American schools

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A/N: Quick disclaimer! I am British and don't know much about American schools. I imagine their senior year is similar to our year 11 to 13, where you choose a few subjects to do GCSE's or A levels in. If I'm wrong please let me know.


The sound of pages turning and students mumbling to one another, trying not to bee too loud in the library

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The sound of pages turning and students mumbling to one another, trying not to bee too loud in the library. Lemony had a book in each hand, two history textbooks, she had been one of the last to pick a course for senior year and there wasn't really a topic that peaked Lemony's interest but she always found certain historical topics interesting. It also helped that she knew her fair share of information about Ancient Greece.

Lemony made he way to the table where Scott, Kira and Malia sat revising their work. Lemony dropped both books on the table, sitting herself down next to Malia.

"How have we only been back a day?" Lemony asked, opening the book to the glossary.

"I'm already drowning in work." Kira agreed, looking up from her notes.

The group were interrupted from their work by the sounds of Stiles bounding over to the table they sat at. He had two pieces of paper in his hands.

"So, you found something?" Scott asked, still doubting is friend.

"Another signature." Stiles put the two piece of paper on the table. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago," Stiles explained pointing to on sheet. "and this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." He then pointed to the other, comparing the two.

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked, saying what everyone is thinking.

"You didn't break into the administration office, did you?" Lemony blurted it immediately.

"No, I did not break into the administration office." Stiles said, without looking at her.

Scott gave Stiles the 'is that true?' Look.

"Okay, I might have broken into the administration office." Stiles caved in. "Can we just focus on the signatures, please? They're different."

The four of them looked at each other then down at the two signatures. Lemony rolled her eyes at her brother.

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