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Name: Zelda

Title: Goddess of magic, Princess of Asgard.

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: pansexual

Parents: Odin, Frigga

Siblings: Thor, Loki (adopted), Hela (half-sister)

Skills: magic (telekinesis, gravity manipulation, can feel others emotions and can tell when someone is lying) sword combat, great with knifes.

Appearance: ginger, pale, average height for a 14 year old, blue eyes.

Hey hey hey, thanks for reading this book, I really think it's going to better than my last because I have a pretty good character to work with now, but Zelda is still going to change a lot through this book

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Hey hey hey, thanks for reading this book, I really think it's going to better than my last because I have a pretty good character to work with now, but Zelda is still going to change a lot through this book. Anyway, the first chapter should be out by Friday!

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