Let's talk.

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"Look at you" Link sighed. "Such a waste of talent"

"What's my talent? Murder?" I laughed to myself. "Causing chaos, or is it sneaking out of my room at night just to see you. Sorry, I can't really separate the two."

"Romantic." He smiled sarcastically.

"It's not" I rolled my eyes. "When did you become so mean?"

"I don't know!" He shouted. "Let me remind you, I am made up by your mind, so I act how you think I would act, I say what you think I would say. Well, to be honest, it's more complicated than that, but that's the basis"

"So my mind made you up to keep me entertained?"

"Probably not. Maybe to come to peace with the fact that you murdered your best friend" he spat. "You really are a bad person, I always knew you would do what it takes to get what you want, but this."

"I didn't mean it, Link. If I could take it back, I would!" I yelled. People in their cells looked over at me, including Loki who turned his head. "God, you're making me seem crazy"

"Hah, Zelda, you are. Look, your mind made me up for some reason, so go on, if you could tell me something, what would it be?" Link asked calmly.

"I guess" I thought about everything. "I'm sorry, for everything I have ever done to you. Like pushing you off a fucking building" I laughed ironically.

"You never were good at emotions" he stared at me.

"Look, if I could take it back, I would, but I can't, so shut up about it!" I angrily said. Link, whatever he is, sat there, staring at me.

"You done?"

"Why is my mind like this? I know if you were alive, you wouldn't be acting like this. I know what you would say, you would say Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, you definitely fucked up, but you're going to figure something out."

"And you would say back to me, no I won't." The boy smiled. "I know you don't plan on sitting here forever, sitting here in denial"

"I will, that's easy."


"What?" I mumbled, looking down.

"If you won, what would you have done?" He asked.

"I dunno, and why would that even matter? I failed, like I always do" I said to myself. "Can my mind make you go away?" I looked up. "Thanks." He did go. And I kind of wish he didn't.


"Darling" my mother appeared in the cell.

"Mother, what a lovely surprise" I said sarcastically.

"Well, I thought you would be happier to see me, considering you haven't seen anyone in awhile." She paused "how are you?"

"Amazing, absolutely amazing" I spoke.

"Really? I wouldn't think so. Have you read the books I sent?"

"I'd rather sit and think, maybe try Loki instead"

"Your brother is getting the same punishments so I have given him the same too."

"I do not understand why you have no given up on me as everyone else has" I shrugged. I do not know why, honestly I don't. Loki. Thor. My father. Anyone else who ever knew me. All of them. And they all have good reason, I need hope, or anything for that matter.

"Just because of your past mistakes, that does not make you less worthy of my love."

"None of it was a mistake, I meant everything I did" I said firmly.

"Murdering millions, I hardly think that was all the plan."

"It was. Along with other things." I stood up. "I may have not gotten anything out of it now"

"And what have you gained out of killing all of those innocent people?" My mother asked.

I chuckled lightly.

"I didn't lose anything. And everyone is guilty of something, could be as small as an insult or as extreme as murdering millions."

"And you think those who made a little mistake should pay with their lives? And I thought I had taught you mercy."

"You did" I chuckled "and I remembered it, but I just did not use it."

"Why?" She asked softly.

"Because the hero's, as they call them, did not deserve it. Just as they do not deserve the title hero."

"And you do?"

"I do not think myself the villain." I defended.

"And you are not. But you may have to prove that one day."

"And how do I do that?" I asked, not sounding very interested.

"That I am unsure of, but I know that you will."

"I truly doubt that." I rolled my eyes at the idea that I'm going to be good.

"One of your weakness' is that you've always thought that you could either be the best or the worst, nothing more, nothing less, when that is simply not true. You just must learn to believe that."


I would always keep track of the day, I would use my nail and scratch it into the floor. Unless you where specially looking for it, you wouldn't see it. It was more something you would feel than you could hold. But enough of me keeping track on the day, there was something more important.

"Happy birthday to me" I whispered too myself in the dark, the lights dimmed a little at night so us prisoners could keep a track of the day and night. In Asgard we didn't really celebrate birthdays every year, since we live for thousands of years, didn't seem that important to us, and I never once wanted to celebrate mine.

I would normally stay awake through the night and I would get a little rest in the day. But I didn't need the energy. And most of the time I would just stay awake for as long as possible until my body gave out. Which was what I was doing now.


I sat still, leaning against the side of my cell once again, inches away from the barrier, I know the risk that if I fell against it, it would hurt, but I like being close to the outside world.

The lights above me flashed, dimming and then brightening again. I looked up again and then down again, going back to the book in my hands. But I glanced up again when I heard other prisoners hitting against the barrier.

"What the..." I mumbled.


The next chapter is going to be sad considering I think we all know what's about to happen.

I would write more for this movie but because Zelda is in jail I can't really write much for the beginning.

Anywayyyyyyyyy I'll post soon... bye for now


Change| Thor and Loki's sister | book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora