My friend.

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Now I'm letting go,
I make my own choice,
Bitch, I run this show,
So leave the light on,
No, you can't make me behave.


I walked out and heard a crash. So I suppose he jumped out a window.

"Hey" I caught up with Valkyrie.

"Hey" she responded. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Just... some stuff" I shrugged. "He kinda jumped out a window"

"So what are you going to do?"

What am I going to do? I could leave it. Let him go. Let that be our last goodbye, or go find him. Do something else. Help him? No. I can't. I won't. I want to let that part of my life go. I want to forget it and move on.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Really? Take a page out of my book, drink and forget." She smiled casually.

"Perhaps" I mumbled, trying to figure what to do.

"Zelda, can I give you some advice?"

"How drunk are you?"


"Go on then, I can take anything I can get."

"I found this place, been here for thousands of years, convincing myself that this fine, that no one will find me. That my past is dead and not coming back. I drank away the pain. But then you and you're brothers show up, and remind me that it's not gone. That however much that I try to push it down and forget that it ever happened, it still comes back. So you can do what I did, stay for thousands of years, drink it away, forget it. Or you can go and do something, because either way, your past isn't gone, it's still there."

"That was incredibly put together"

"I know" she nodded. "Now if you take option one, we need to get you a drink."

"No, I need to think," I said, "sober."

"Suit yourself."

I looked to my side, deciding to find Loki. I used my mind to sense where he might be.

"What are you doing?" Valkyrie asked me.

"What?" Because I was focused I got snapped out of it quite quickly.

"I said, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find my brother"

"So why are you looking off into a wall" she laughed.

"I can do this mind thing where I can find people" I said, "basically"

"Cool" I got back to it, immediately getting concentrated, blocking out sound and anything that could distract me.


"Fuck!" This was a worse scare than last time, "Loki?"

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