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Hell of a ride.
We've had a hell of a ride
But you thought we where riding to heaven,
Well, I motherfucking lied.


Everyone wants to be a princess.

Everyone wants to get married to a handsome Prince.

Everyone wants to live in a palace.

No one is told anything else.

No one is told about the one other thing.

One tiny tiny thing.

Everyone. Wants. Power. 

The constant fight for more of it. It's addicting.

The idea that you could have anything you want.

The idea you can control anyone and everyone.

My family was torn apart by so many things, so many, but power was it.

Power broke my family.

Because everyone wanted more of it, all the time, it never stopped. Even I am guilty of wanting it.

But the constant war that everyone was always at was exhausting, I can't think back to a time when no one cared about it. When I was really young I didn't really understand any of it, I didn't understand power, and I especially didn't understand why everyone wanted it. And then I grew up. And I understood everything.

And it seemed to me that I was the only one who knew that even if you had the most, it wouldn't be enough, for anyone. I don't think anyone can be happy with power because all you want is more.

And I knew that.

And I didn't care. Because I wanted more. I tried to get it, but I couldn't, not really, I had a title, sure, but that title did nothing. There's not even a point of talking about it because I don't even have it anymore. It all went to shit when I left. And now I'm in a new place where this royalty stuff doesn't even exist. And I'm not that sad about it.

Even if there was, not like I have any family to fight about it with.

So in conclusion:

Everyone wants to be a princess.

No one wants to be me.


1 day later. 11pm.

"Zelda" Loki knocked on my door.

"Mm" I stared into the wall, it was plain and it was easy to focus on. I was trying to keep my mind focused on the wall.

"Zelda-" he walked in. "What are you doing?"


"You... should probably... go to... sleep?" He said slowly, looking at me very confused.

"No, I slept for awhile because of you, now shh"

"Zelda, sleeping daily is a normal thing, and-"

Change| Thor and Loki's sister | book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora