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Good kid
I swear I never stole anything,
I never meant to hurt anyone,
I swear, I swear I'm a good kid,
A good kid,
Who's had a bad run.
And all I need is one last chance to prove I'm good enough for someone.


For the hundreds of years I have thought the lowest of low of Thor. I never got along with him, he was always boastful and arrogant and rude.

I never looked up to him like everyone else did. He was never an inspiration. The only thing that really related us was blood.

But for some reason, in this moment, for the first time ever, in 1000 years, he's cool.

And he's also what this fight needs right now so that's super useful.

He destroyed so many of them very quickly. It was amazing. Me, Loki, Heimdall, Valkyrie and all the others continued to fight at our end of the bridge. Thor got closer to our side and we had killed many of the skeletons. We walked closer towards him.

"You're late." Thor told Loki.

"You're missing an eye." He responded.

"This isn't over." Val walked past us. It's true, Hela was slowly walking towards us.

"I think we should disband the revengers." Thor said.

"Hit her with a lightning blast" Loki suggested.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning, it did nothing."

"We just need to hold her off until everyone's onboard."

"It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now."

"So what do we do?" Val said.

"I'm not doing get help" Loki said.

"Me neither." I added.

Thor looked forward to Hela then behind to the Asgardiens going onto the ship.

"Asgard's not a place, it's the people." He turned round to us. "Loki, Zelda, this was never about stopping Ragnarok, this was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault. It's the only way."

He wants to blow up Asgard. He wants to destroy it.

"Bold move, brother. Even for me." Loki ran off to the other ship that we came in.

"Shall we?" Thor asked us.

"Time for some sisterly love." I smirked, creating a energy bolt in my hand that went up to my arm.

"After you." Val responded.

Thor immediately summonsed lighting and lit up before running towards Hela. She threw two swords at him but he destroyed them. He took some hits at her before jumping at her but she dodged and he went over her. Then the Valkyrie took a hit at her and tried to cut her with a sword. I picked up some rubble and swords and threw them at her, but she threw them to the side. I tried to throw her in the air but she did it first and threw me over to the other side. Thor jumped up with a sword and knocked her onto the ground.

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