Can't sleep.

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Don't get to close,
It's dark inside,
It's where my demons hide.


1 day later.

I had a room, it was colourful I suppose, there was a big window that looked over the big city. It was so... strange. Being around so many people.

And by so many people I mean my brother.

By compared to the amount of people I've been around in the last 4 years, it's a lot.

I haven't exactly got the going out thing down yet. I've got used to adjusting to new situations quickly, I mean just look back a few years, I did so much in so little time, and I pretended to like SO many people, it was exhausting.

I have been avoiding my brother because it's like seeing everything that happened all over again, seeing him die, and me being dragged back to my cell.

I don't even know what's going on with my own mind, it's so fucked up and I have no answers. But that's pretty usual.


"Oh my fuck-" my head shot up and I looked to my side and I saw my brother. "Don't do that"

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I've been saying your name for 10 minutes."

"No you haven't, I would have heard you."

"Would you?"

"Yeah, now, get out." I looked back down at my feet.

"Why don't you want me around? You've been alone for so long, I would have thought-"

"Stop reminding me, so feel free to get out."





I looked out the window, the loud night life of the planet really shone. Somehow it was almost comforting, the yelling, singing, all reminded me constantly that I wasn't alone. Even falling asleep wasn't difficult, once again, it was easier. My hand ran across the glass, I sighed quietly, wishing I could be out there.

"I thought you were asleep" Loki chuckled.

"When did you...?" I stuttered. "I was going to go to sleep"

"No, you weren't" he said.

"Yes, I was!"

"Anyone would see through this horrible lie, especially me. Can't sleep?"


"Same" he smiled.

"What's keeping you awake?" I asked.

"You" he laughed.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think I was-"

"No, it isn't your fault. But you being awake and not knowing why is keeping me awake"

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