protein shakes the avengers would like

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yeah i might have a problem, but I also exercise quite a bit and protein shakes are my go-to food afterward so I know this stuff well

the basic ingredients are ice, milk, and either chocolate or vanilla powder

Steve: I don't wanna say he's basic but he probably would be kinda when it comes to this stuff :\ maybe like strawberries and blueberries with vanilla for branding

Bucky: I don't know why, but I mega headcanon Bucky loves sugar too much, so he'd load these with Oreos and chocolate chips and peanut butter and stuff like that, maybe even switch out the milk for chocolate milk

Natasha: She would totally love fruit in hers, so bananas and strawberries and anything in season, and prefers the chocolate powder (because she has fucking taste buds 💅) Also she found out a way to substitute the ice with greek yogurt so the consistency is better

Tony: Tony doesn't have time to actually make it, so he just has a six-ounce bag of the chocolate powder under his desk, and scoops fucking handfuls out of it on bad nights

Bruce: Pretty basic with just chocolate powder and peanut butter, but it's also the best combo so respect

Thor: Thor doesn't need protein shakes are you kidding :| but he'd like crushed up graham crackers and peanut butter

Clint: Clint seems like a nut guy to me, I don't know why at all, so chocolate powder and almonds or walnuts or whatever's in season

Peter drinks Monster are you fucking kidding

Also should I make a book where I just do Avengers As... ? i have a few more ideas too, but they might get overshadowed by all the amazing content I have here uwu

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