🐛Part 14🐌

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I don't get why people don't like bugs, it makes no sense to me.


you can stomp on some of them and well too bad not dead B) that's just so cool

also, they build amazing stuff compared to their body size, like how ants carve out whole colonies and spiders build awesome webs

an inch of spider silk is stronger than steel. how cool is that!?

butterflies are overrated but still pretty cool. I got some questions though- do they know that when they get in their cocoon they will turn into a butterfly? or is it just instinct? 

snails are pretty cute, even though they leave slime trails everywhere. but the fact that they can go inside their shell at the first thought of danger, that's so cool, introverts everywhere admire them

the ones that can kill you are the coolest though, its crazy that something that small and vulnerable could KILL a human 

anyway yeah bugs are epic 

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