🎓Part 40🦸

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howdy I want to talk about the majors I picked for the marvel babies and why instead of actually writing✌️

Loki - Stagecraft

I picked stagecraft for them because stagecraft majors work behind the scenes to put something together, which means to a certain extent, you have control over what goes down. I think that would appeal to Loki because they are pretty power-hungry and manipulative. 

Bucky - Music

this is the most used college!Bucky major and I just think it's pretty cute :> him writing songs for his friends and playing music to let out his anger is in character 

Steve - Art

In CA:TFA, we saw Steeb had a sketchbook and he drew in it, and also in the comics that was a part of his character so I thought it was pretty fitting.

Sam - Psychology 

MCU!Sam is a group therapist anyway, and he is pretty empathetic to his friends :) gosh I love my bird boy

T'challa - Economics

Wakanda isn't in this AU, but I still thought it fitting since Wakanda has to manage money problems with basically no outside help and sustain itself

Thor - History

He's a god just go with it. he's at Brooklyn College with a scholarship for football anyway

Scott - Biochemistry

He does funky shrinking things with ants in the movies, and he had a Ph.D. in something science related, I forgot though

ah I should write write instead of meme write

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