⚠️Part 42🏳️‍🌈

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Hey my gay

so my friends asked me to talk about my gay awaking and crushes

will do fam squad <3

my gay awaking was before I transitioned, so it was a girl (I still like her ;-;) so her name will not be disclosed cuz I might dump my social security number here but damn it she has to be safe

uh anyway yes I am a simp

so there's this bot on discord the lets you "marry" people and I was going down the list of people on the server who wouldn't be angry if I "married" them and I got to her and was like oh yus because shes very cool ya know? we used to do swimming together I don't remember though haha

so I "married" her and it was all a joke haha, she is pan but she doesn't like me anyway, but it was after I "married" her I fell for her. hard. 

we had a little ceremony and everything it was so cute :>


and I still like her ;-;

shes so cute and smiley and always sees the best in people and she draws so well I really like her

so if she's reading this: Hi :) I really do like you 

god I'm an idiot

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