14 0 0

I wake up to the silence of an empty room. I sit up and look over to a vacant bed where the soldier man usually sleeps. Two guards unlock the cell and walk over to my bed. Gripping my arms extremely tight, they drag me out of the cell. 

I know the drill, down the hall, turn right, and into the second door. But this time it was different. We took a left and then an immediate right, into an unfamiliar room. 

It was pitch black in the strange room, but somehow the guards knew where to put me. The guards sat me down on a cold metal chair then tied me up with rope. They tied the rope so tight that my arm felt like it would fall off onto the ground. I stayed quiet, not knowing what was going on. They guards must have gotten up and left because I couldn't feel them touching me anymore. 

I heard loud, heavy breathing though. It was coming from the dark area on my right, I wonder what's happening?

"Turn on the lights!" Strucker told one of the guards that was still standing near him. Strucker's voice was the most recognizable out of all the quiet chatter my ears picked up. 

"Yes boss" another voice responded. 

The bright lights flickered on, I began to look around the room. I'm in some type of lab room. The figure I spoke about, the one breathing heavily, turned his head to me. 

It was the Winter Soldier. 

There were cuts and bruises all over his bare chest. He had a worrisome expression printed on his face, he seemed scared. But not for himself, for me. His sharp blue eyes stared back into mine as Strucker walk over to speak to us. 

"Well, well, well. I've never seen this before " he says, walking closer to us. Our eyes drift from each other to the pure evil man in front of us. Strucker looks the soldier dead in the eyes and speaks. 

"Machines don't feel, you're a tool I use when I want. You're a monster, nothing less nothing more" he says. 

"You should take a look in the mirror Struck, you are more of a monster than he will ever be" I respond. He takes a step closer to me and punches me square in the mouth. I spit out the crimson colored liquid onto the ground next to me, that didn't stop the bleeding but slightly got rid of the taste. Strucker centers himself in between me and the soldier; he takes a couple steps back to get a good look at us. 

"I always pick the good one's, don't I Baron" he says as a figure emerges from out of the shadows. 

"Sure do Boss" Zemo takes a few steps closer to Strucker as he replies. 

"I guess you guys are wondering why I gathered us here today, hm?" Strucker says while raising his hands up to all the other scientist people in the room, replicating some form of a God. 

"We are going to have a new soldier joining us. I figured, now that Tess is useless to me, let's use her to our advantage" he smirks. 

"What the hell are you talking about, Strucker?" I ask.

"We found Steve and now you are even more useless to me" he replies. 

"So what are you going to do to me? Kill me? Oh but that's too easy for you."

"You're right, that's too easy. No, no, no, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to turn you into something much worse. Him" he says, pointing to the Winter Soldier. 

Two guards grab me and throw me into another chair that appeared to be behind me this whole time, I try and fight back but it's useless. They buckled the straps tight onto my ankles and wrists.

"Why is he here then, this is business between me and you" I ask before a man shoves some sort of mouth guard into my mouth.

"You didn't let me finish princess. I'm going to turn you into a super soldier, and I'm going to make him watch. He cares about you, that's a weakness. No weaknesses are allowed" he responds. 

One of the scientists flip a switch and immediate pain inflicts itself inside and outside of my body. Fire. My body is surely on fire, but I cannot see. My vision when dark as soon as I felt the agonizing pain. 

My eyes open vigorously and I see Zemo walk up close with a black tinted journal with a star on the front. 

"Your name is ASPEHN. It stands for Advanced Soldier for Profusion Elimination for the HYDRA Nation. You belong to us, you have no further memories. You now have 10 trigger words that, spoken in the correct order in the Russian language, will turn you into ASPEHN the super soldier." his words are almost hypnotizing. 

"No it's not you bitch! My name is Tessa Anastasia Casado-Andrews, my birthday is April 23rd, 1917. I was born in Queens, New York to Ryan Andrews and Alessandra Casado. I have a sister named Quinn, she is 7 years old" I start spitting as much information that comes to mind about my self. 


"No, no!" I scream back at him. 


"STOP!" I yell. 

"двадцать один""наступление ночи"



I scream, kick, and fight back like a young kid at a toy store. I don't care, I want to go home. 


7 words. 3 left. 


one more, prepare yourself.


sorry this chapter is a bit short! but it's got a lot of important information for later on!


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