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Is this what people my age wear now? I kind of like it. Everything fits perfectly.

I fix my hair a bit before noticing a small cut on my forehead. 


I shake it off and walk out of the room to go sit with Steve and some other people, I do a little spin for him and sit down in the chair to his right. 

"Do I look 21 again Rogers?" I say, he laughs. 

"You still wear it?" he motions with his eyes at the ring he gave me for my birthday. 

"Never took it off" I said smiling at him for a brief second before pestering him with another question. 

"Can I see Buck?" I ask. 

"Maybe you should wait until we get back, he's a little confused. I'm sure he'll be okay once we arrive there" he answers with a smile. 

"Where is 'back'?" I pester him.

"New York, I'm taking you guys back to the compound. You can live with me and I'll introduce you to all my friends, I'm not letting you out of my sight again Andrews" he said getting all excited to bring me back into his new life.

"I guess I don't have a choice than, Rogers" I reply. 

Steve and I walked over to the quinjet and hopped in. I still had no idea where Bucky was but I'm so excited to see him again. 

I hope he remembers me...

I sat down in one of the chairs and Steve sat next to me, keeping his word on 'not leaving me ever again', in his deep but soft voice. Steve looked different from the last time I saw him, but I could recognize that blonde hair anywhere. He had bulky muscles and grew to be around 2 feet taller than me, literally. Even though he was huge compared to me, he was still gentle. He was soft and sweet, now that I know that Bucky is safe I also feel a tremendous amount of stress being lifted off my shoulder. We were a family before we were ripped apart quite viciously, and now we can finally be whole once more. Just me, Steve, and Buck. 

We always have this saying every time we would split up for different reasons. It would go in the same order every time:

Bucky would say," Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, you two."

Steve would reply with,"How can we? You're taking all the stupid with you."

And then I would ruin the moment," If you bring any of this 'stupid' back with you, I'll kill you both of you with my bare hands."

And we would all laugh. Our little family, together. I miss us. 

It felt like we were only on the quinjet for 5 minutes when we arrived. I stayed close to Steve because I have no idea where I am. The hot New York sun burned on my flesh but the cool breeze made it tolerable. My hands are shaky against my thigh as we walk in, I have no idea what I'm walking in to. 

Steve had his excited face on the whole time we walked through the long dark hallways. T'Challa, Steve and I entered a big room. It must be a living room or something because there are these big couches with tasseled white blankets. The carpet spilled across the floor, underneath a large coffee table in the middle of the four couches. The sofa's were a dark grey leather with navy blue accent pillows and the coffee table had three white candles centered in the middle. Everything was clean and tidy. I stopped in my tracks to glance around at the rest of the room, far ahead there are 14 tall and skinny windows. The windows were placed next to each other so it appeared to be one overly large window. A big chandelier hung on the ceiling, the roff was quite high up which made the chandelier look even bigger. 

Steve noticed that I stopped and turned around. 

"They're not going to like me you know, I've hurt too many people" I say looking down at my hands. I play around with my rings hoping that would distract Steve from seeing that my hands were shaking so bad. 

"That wasn't my Tessa, my Ana wouldn't hurt a soul" he reassured me but I'm not too convinced. 

I just want to see Bucky. I want to make sure what Steve's telling me is the truth and his not just lying to me to make me feel better. 

Steve grabs my hand and holds it in his and walks with me over to glass door.He opens it and I step in, there's a long conference table in the middle. The walls are glass but I couldn't hear any commotion going on outside. A bunch of people are sitting down at the table, they are all looking at me. I coward behind Steve a little, clutching onto his hand tighter. 

"Guys, this is Tessa, Tess these are the Avengers" he said looking down at me. They all smiled, I'm confused. 

"Hi" I say. 

"She's cute" one of the guys say. 

"Yeah and she'll kick your ass Loki" another man says. 

"That's Tony Stark" Steve says pointing at the man that said I'd kick the other guys ass. Which I would. 

"Loki Laufeyson" he says pointing to the man that called me cute. 

"His brother Thor Odinson" 

"Lady Tess" Thor reply's tipping his head down. 

"Bruce Banner" another guy waves his hand and smiles. 

"Clint Barton" Steve points to the man sitting next to Bruce and he smiles. 

"Pietro and Wanda Maximoff"


"Natasha Romanoff and Carol Danvers"

Then he moves to the other side of the table. 

"Sam Wilson"

"Peter Parker"

"Scott Lang" 

"Dr. Stephen Strange"

"And you already know T'Challa" he finishes without saying Bucky's name. 

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