from a whisper to a scream

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Time Skip: April 4th

A shadowy figure lurks around a dark corner. He walks slowly and swiftly through the empty air. He hears a quiet footstep far in the distance, he's curious or frightened. He walks quickly over to the light switch, looking out into the darkness with every step. Waiting for something or someone to grab him out of thin air. He flips the switch and the lights blind his soft eyes. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" a crowd of people roar at him. 

"Ah it's just you guys, thank you mortals and my brother" Thor says, smiling. 

It's 10 o'clock at night and I convinced everyone to throw Thor a surprise party. We decorated the whole main floor with banners and ribbons and presents. After all he is turning 1501. Once he finishes thanking everyone he turns over to me. 

"Lady Tess stunning as always, I assume this is your doing?" he asks. 

"It took me a whole two days to convince Tony to let me do it, and another day to force Steve and Peter to help me but yes" I say proudly, he gives me a warm hug before walking away to greet the guests. 

Tonight I'm wearing a long silk dark blue dress that slits up to my thigh on one side, it hands low on my chest and criss-crosses in the back. It took me a whole 30 minutes to figure out how to tie. My silver high heals compliment my dress well, they are also the most uncomfortable shoes I've ever worn. My loosely curled hair flows down my back and I curled my curtain bangs nicely to the side. I look nice and feel nice. 

I take a seat on the couch and start to make conversation with Steve, Nat, Bruce, Pietro, Clint, Vision and Wanda.

"I'm team Hulk on that one, Pietro" I say. 

"Really. In a fight between me and Bruce, you think I would lose? I'd kick this green giant right down onto his ass" Pietro responds. 

"Be careful he might pop out to say hello" Bruce says, making his face fill up with a dark tint of green. Pietro scurry's behind a wall at light speed, we all laugh. 

"Ok ok, I've got one. In a fight between Steve and Tess, who would win" Nat asks the group. 

"Pfft me obviously" me and Steve both shout out at the same time. Everyone bursts out laughing. 

"I'm gonna have to go with Tess on this one" Clint says. 

"Tessa 100% would kick your ass" Wanda adds.

"Tessa" Pietro and Bruce agree. 

"Miss Andrews" Visions responds.

"Tess, sorry Rogers" Nat ends the vote unanimously. 

"See told ya I'd kick your ass, Grant" I tell Steve. 

"You wish" he replies. 

A few moments go by and everyone is having an amazing time. Thor even gets everyone to try and lift up his hammer, Mjöllnir. I glance over to the left side side of the room, where Scott, Peter, and Dr. Strange are. 

"How is he doing that?" Scotts asks nudging Peter,  while holding a bag of potato chips. 

"Dude he's a sorcerer" I overhear Peter tell him. 

"A sorcerer that can hear the both of you speaking" Dr. Strange announces to the both of them. Peter gives Scott a weird look because he is crunching on the chips annoyingly loud. 

"Yeah but how is he levitating" Scotts questions him. He takes one hand and swipes it under Dr. Strange a couple times, showing Peter he is actually floating. Dr. Strange's legs are crossed and his hands in the middle of his body, he's watching the future. 

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