Mission A944

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up this morning was the calendar, it was December 30th. The day before New Year's Eve. God I hate New Year's Eve. My parents were to be married December 31st, 1926, but my mother never made it down the aisle. 

It had to be midnight or something cause it's too early for me. There was a tan folder neatly placed on the small table in the center of the cell. One was facing me and the other facing the soldier man's bed. He had just woken up as well. I'm assuming it was a new mission. The Winter Soldier got up from his bed and walked over to the table. 

"Mission A944, Manhattan, New York" he read aloud. I stood up and walked over to my copy of the file. 

"Your directions are very specific: break into the Stark Industries Warehouse #5, kill anyone in your way, secure package #199 and escape" I read.

Aspehn and the Winter Soldier mission was to get a small box, really? Strucker told us that we needed to get it before Anthony Stark burned it to the ground. Apparently he has been done with his fathers business for a while but missed one of the warehouses or something. 

"Complete the mission quietly and cautiously, the location happens to be severely close to the Avenger's Compound. Who the hell are the Avengers?" I say. 

"You'll find out when we get there" the soldier responds. He places the folder back down in its original spot and walks over to the cell door, the guard opens it for him and he walks into a different room probably to suit up. I follow him out but into a different room to do the same. 

My suit was waiting for me when I walked in, it was hung up nicely on a hook. I take my hair out of the pony tail it was in, then I take off the grey shirt and pants I have been wearing since I got here until I am stripped down to just my bra and underwear. I slip into my white long sleeve top and pants, strapping a white belt around my waist. I lock in my knife at my right thigh and another by my left ankle before placing my gun in its holster that rests on my right hip. I tie up my white knee-high boots and twist my hair into a loose and low braid, it lays lightly on my left shoulder and goes down a little past my bottom rib. I slip on white fingerless gloves over my scar on my wrist and on my right hand. There is an indent of a star on my left glove, right where the scar is. 

I rub eye white on my eyes and put my mask on over it. No goggles like the Winter Soldier apparently. I leave my previously worn clothes on the bench in the bathroom, like usual, and walk out. 

Shoot them. You can escape, this is your chance. You have a gun and like 12 knives. 

I walk right past the guards and hop onto the elevator with the Winter Soldier.

Tess, what are you doing? The exit was on your left, not your right. You aren't Aspehn. 

One of the guard press the button for level 10, the top floor. 

We get off the elevator at the airport level and walk over to the airplane. The door opens and we get in. I sit down against some crates and close my eyes. 

Leaving the airport - 1:30 am, December 31st, 2011.

Time Skip: 10 hours later, 10:30am, December 31st, 2011.

I awoke to the sound of our airplane landing. The pilot said he had specific instructions to drop us off 10 miles away from the mission location, if we landed any closer the Avenger people could've seen our plane. 

Me and the Winter Soldier got off the plane and jumped into a small army-looking car, it drove us pretty close to the warehouse. the driver parked in the woods and we walked over to a warehouse-looking building. It was very long length wise and had a fancy door, it was crawling with security though. I guess Stark was planning on getting rid of who knows what shit, like today. 

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