Mission M03

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It was dark and cold on the plane ride back to Siberia. The whole time I was thinking about Bucky and Steve, if only I could tell him that it's me. Tessa, and that I still remember them. That I'm trapped and I need help. That would never harm someone if it was the real me controlling my body. 

As soon as I got back I was in excruciating pain, you know with an arrow in my leg and all. They rushed me down to the "hospital" section of their base, though it wasn't really a hospital more like a few people that ripped out the arrow and stitched it back up with no pain pills or anything. Then they threw me back in my cell, like I never left. Like nothing changed, I mean I was still their prisoner. 

I couldn't walk for a while. They left me alone to rot in my cell. I haven't seen Strucker or Zemo in a couple days, I wonder if they were killed yet. 

Weeks and months go by, healing and disintegrating alone. There was one person who came in with a first aid kit to check up on my leg, he would unwrap the bandage then wrap it back up, and leave. He would come back every week. 

A couple weeks ago he came back in and took out my stitches, I had a small scar but it fit right in with the rest of them. It didn't stand out too much so. It didn't hurt anymore, when it did it was tolerable.

I had just started to stretch out my leg when one of the guards came in and placed a file on the table, just one. I haven't received a file in what felt like ages. But, this is probably important to the boss so I will do what he commands. 

I stand up and walk over to the table, Mission M03. 

Skipped a few I guess. 

I opened up the file and read it to myself. 

A museum? A fucking artifact, really? I can't leave any witnesses, what am I supposed to do? Kill everyone? I hope he knows I'm not invisible.

I close up the file and head out of my cell to the "dressing room." 

I stare at myself in the mirror for a few minutes, noticing how malnourished and beat up I look. I look even worst considering the beating I got for losing my partner last mission. Being drown and abused is not a good look for me. I tired of this shit, I want my body back. 

I slip my fixed suit on and tie up my boots, along with my hair in a high pony-tail. I holster my gun and knives and walk out into the elevator. 

The artifact location is at the Museum of  the City of New York is a big risk for Strucker, understanding that that was where the "Winter Soldier" was kidnapped by the Avengers. But, I guess Strucker wants this old ass knife pretty badly, sending Aspehn to NYC. 

I walk out of the elevator at my level and step onto the tail-level of the airplane. 

Blood stains, fucking wonderful.

I close my eyes to rest until our arrival. 

Time Skip: 1:45pm, February 10th, 2012 - New York City, New York.

We land harshly on the runway of some secret HYDRA airport. The rough landing wakes me up and it jerks me forward a bit. I walk out of the plane once it has fully stopped.

They gave me a motorcycle this time, it was pretty nice. All black, polar opposite to my suit but okay HYDRA.

I hop on the motorcycle and drive off to some side road that goes beneath the highway to make sure I am undetected. 

Steve's POV

That morning I went back downstairs to check up on Bucky before J.A.R.V.I.S. started talking to me. 

"Mr. Rogers I am sorry to bother you and Mr. Barnes, but Mr. Stark had told me to tell you that Sam and him found suspicious action down town on Redwing. It seems that a woman in a white suit is headed quite quickly towards the museum, he requests your presence upstairs" it says. 

Bucky's head shoots up as soon as the mention of a woman was said. He stands up and gets closer to the door. 

"I'll help her I promise" I say before running out of the room and up the stairs leading to the next floor.

As I approach the doorway, Tony, Natasha, Clint, and Sam are all standing up facing a TV screen that I assume has the video feed on it. 

"Redwing picked up fast motion by a small unknown airport about 19 miles south of here" Sam says. 

"There, pause it" Tony demands, pointing and walking toward the screen.

"White suit. That's got to be her, wait. She's blonde, look" Natasha also points at the screen. He long neatly braided blonde hair whips around to the other side of her shoulder, it's hard to see but it's poking out of her helmet. 

"That's her" I reassure everyone. 

"Let's get her" Clint replies. 

Back to Aspehn's POV

My hair flowing in the wind as I race down the streets of Brooklyn. This whole mission would be easier with a partner but I guess a lone mission will do. 

I halt the motorcycle to a stop and jump off the seat, taking off my helmet and leaving it behind. 

I race up the stairs of the museum and try to act natural walking through the doors. 

"Name and ID please" the man at the ticket booth asks the person in front of me.


"Name and ID pl-"

I pull out my gun and fire one shot through the middle of his forehead. Screams and panic fill the  room. I run up the stairs to the second level and walk casually over to the railing. If you were standing at the railing you would be able to see the downstairs level and the gorgeous glittery chandler, but I don't have time for that. 

I keep my gun in my left hand but pull out a smoke bomb with my right, unlatch the pin, and throw in over the railing. The civilians will be fine I'm sure, but I won't be if I don't complete this mission successfully. 

I run up another level with my gun up, incase of security guards. Right hand gun, left hand flashlight. I walk slowly across the room of the third floor. All the eye can see is the wave of foggy white smoke lingering through the museum. 

The watch attached to my left wrist was upgraded to a map of the museum, the red dot that appears on the screen represents the artifact. 

I follow the map until I reach the location of the red dot. I lower my gun and shine the flashlight on the knife, it's enclosed in a small glass box. The artifact tag reads:

"Ancient Dora Milaje Knife. Used to kill invaders, though it is not the traditional long sphere, it still comes in handy" 

"Wonderful" I say to myself, noticing the small rock shaped hole by the handle. I break the glass covering before firing a shot at the alarm system. 

I reach my hand in, avoiding the broken glass as much as I can, and grab the knife. I hold the knife in my hand, examining it before turning around to make my escape. 

Then, WACK!

And I was out cold. 

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