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Shit. My head is throbbing once again. What the hell is up with everyone kidnapping me all the time? Can't I have a normal life? Apparently not. 

My eyes were heavy as I awoke, blood dripping down my head. I sit up slowly, noticing firstly that I was incarcerated in a medium to large clear box, although one side was concrete. Preventing me from seeing what is on the other side. 

I stand up to look around. One bed, that's it. 

Welp. I guess I'm alone. Again.

I walk over to a small corner and sit down, my legs bent with my knee caps facing up. I cross my arms over my knees and rest my head on top. 

Steve's POV

"She's probably scared out of her mind, Tony" I yell. 

"She's an assassin Cap! She doesn't get scared!" he hollers back. 

"It's not helping that we sent her only friend over to Wakanda."

"I sent him to Wakanda to help him out, he got his memories back. We can do the same with her" he says. When I don't reply he does it for me. 

"She doesn't know you, Steve. T'Challa can help, so let's fly her to Wakanda"

"Fine, but she stays with me" I reply. 

"Deal" he says putting his hands up in surrender.

Back to Aspehn's POV

Time passes differently here, it goes by faster. It was only a matter of time before someone came in to check up on me. 

"Ana..." A man says to me. 

It's me Steve! Help! LET ME OUT!!

I don't react. Who is this Ana chick, it's not me. This dude is nuts. 

I move my arms so that they are crossed on my stomach and let go of my legs so that they just lay flat on the ground, and I rest the corner of my forehead on the concrete wall. 

He get super close to the clear wall, so close he opens the door. He walks closer and closer to me, I stand up and start backing into the wall. My gut is telling me to kick his ass but my mind won't let me, I just stand there. 

He gives me a hug? He wraps his arms around my waist, leaving my arms at my side, and squeezes me tight. 

Then I feel a small pinch near my neck, I'm out again. 

What the hell? I can walk places people, you don't have to keep injecting me with weird shit. 

Steve's POV

"You're helping her Steve" is what I keep trying to tell myself as I inject a sleep serum into my best friends neck. She slowly falls but I catch her and lift her up, I carry her up and into the quinjet. 

I sit down on one of the seats and rest her head on my lap, holding onto her tight. 

I'm not letting her go this time. 

As soon as we arrive in Wakanda, I carry her into Mount Bashenga, where Shuri's lab is. T'Challa's younger sister Shuri has been very helpful with getting Bucky's memories back, I'm hoping she can do the same for Tess. 

"A woman?" she says. 

"Yes Shuri, I need you to do the same thing you did to Bucky to her" I reply. 

"What's her name, I might consider."

"Tess" I say. 

"She's pretty, I'll help her. But only because you're friends with my brother, that's it" she exclaims. 

I place her lightly onto a patient table before letting Shuri take over.

"Where are you going?" I ask while she walks away with the floating table following her. 

"Fixing your white girl" she responds.

"Thank you" I say before she flips me off.

Tessa's POV

I wake up to a strange woman poking me with her pen. My body was laid down on a table that had these moving orange swirly things all over it. 

"She's awake" the strange woman says into the mic in her ear. I sit up to glance around at my surroundings but before I could look around the door burst open and two men come running in. 

"Ana" one of the men smiles at me.

"Steve...?" I manage to say without stuttering in shock. Eyes watering, he lifts me off the table and swings me around in a big hug then lets me down slowly. 

"You're alive?" I ask. 

"You're alive?" he asks back. 

"Where am I?" I ask again. 

"Wakanda, this is my friend T'Challa and his sister Shuri that helped you" he says pointing to the woman and the man. I run over to her and give her a hug. 

"Thank you" I whisper into her ear. 

"I like this one America" she says looking at Steve. 

I back away from them and into the back wall, realizing what's going to happen. 

"They are going to come here. They're going to find me Steve" I say looking at the scar on my left hand. 

"Oh my god they got Bucky didn't they? We've got to find him" my voice starts to get shaky now. 

"Hey, Hey! We have Bucky he's in the other room, he's fine Ana. And if they do find you I'm not giving you up without a hell of a fight" he says walking over to give me another hug. 

"Someone got muscles" I says smiling. 

"Shut up Andrews" he snaps back.

"Also what am I wearing" I look down at a bloody white combat suit. 

"Here" Shuri says handing me a cute white top, a green plaid mini skirt, and white sneakers. 

"We'll let you get changed, we will just be behind those doors" T'Challa reassures me. They leave the room, closing the doors behind them. I take off the suit noticing all the scars HYDRA gave me. 

I'm glad I'm safe. 

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