chamomile tea

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Tessa's POV

Silence. I probably should be familiar and accustom to it by now, but I'm not. It still freaks me out. Dead silence filled my room, the tranquility of the compound was so loud I could almost hear it. But you can't hear quietness, so I sat awake and alone in my bed at 3:49 a.m. on a Monday morning. 

Me and Bucky have been living with Steve and his comrades for around 5 months now. I like it here and have become quite fond of the avengers. Although Tony acts like I'm his daughter, which obviously I'm not. I'm like 60 years older than this dude. He often uses phrases along the lines of:

"That shirts too short."

"What the hell are you wearing?"

"No child of mine will ever wear clothes that look like they came out of the lost and found, go change."

He never really said the last one but you know what I'm getting at. He doesn't have a daughter or any child of any sort yet but I get to meet his fiancé Pepper soon. 

Tony is having a Fourth of July party tomorrow and I have a lot to do today. Nat, Wanda, and Carol said that they would take me dress shopping for the party, and I promised Peter I would show him my favorite shops. 

A couple days after I arrived, Steve took me downtown to look around at the cute little shops. I have gone every weekend since. My favorites are the "Tea Shack", a small flower shop, "Beach Cafe", and a little art and paint store. I love to paint so that first day down at the shops Steve bought me a canvas and a few other paints. Painting flowers are my favorite. Anyways, Peter always wanted to go with me so I told him I would take him today. 

As you can see I have a lot on my mind and I should be sleeping, but I'm not. All of a sudden a crack of lighting and a boom of thunder breaks the silence and I jump, almost falling off my bed. I always loved the rain but never the storm ahead, my father used to dance with me in the rain back then. And when my sister was born I would take her out to dance in the pouring rain as well. I was never fond of the noise, it scared me. It still does. So, I get myself up out of my bed and walk over to my door, opening it slowly so I wouldn't make any additional noise. 

I walk on my tippy toes up the steps and into the kitchen. I fill up the tea kettle and place it quietly on the stove, turning it on once correctly centered. I run quickly and swiftly back into my room and grab a small book from my nightstand. Reading is one of my many hobbies, it's calming for me. Romeo and Juliet, one of my favorites. I glide back up the steps and jump up onto the counter adjacent to the stove top, crossing my legs and opening the book once I found a comfortable spot. 

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night". I read quietly to myself before hearing a crack at someone else's door. It's Bucky, he walks up the steps as well and over next to me. 

"Romeo and Juliet again?" he says sarcastically , he's such a tease. 

"Couldn't sleep either?" I ask him. 

"Nope, you?" he responds. 

"No, scared of the storm." 

Before the kettle had the chance to whistle I turned the knob to the stove, turning off the heat. I grab two mugs out of the cabinet and pour the hot steaming water into them. Bucky opens the drawer that contains all the tea bags and picks out two. 

"Chamomile at night, Early Grey during the day, and Hibiscus on sunny days, I remember" he say, I flash him a quick smile before propping the pot back on the stove to cool off. He grabs the mugs by the rim and walks down to the living room couch, I leave my book on the island and follow him over. 

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