or rain drops

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Tessa's POV

Emptiness, it's a weird feeling right? I always believed that the once you give your heart to someone that they are supposed to take care of it. Well, I guess I don't believe that anymore. To be fair I've always been empty. Watching my parents being killed was one slit to the stomach, my sister being kidnapped and murder was a cut to the throat, Steve and Bucky "dying" was a punch to the gut, and Bucky leaving me was the final stab to the heart. I have nothing else to give, no feelings, no love....no me left. My father told me once that loving people is a weakness, even in the friendship way, that's why I stayed alone. 

Tonight it's thunder storming in Manhattan, the rain pours from the gutters to the sidewalk. Steve brought me back to my bed after the whole Bucky situation but I couldn't sleep, and he knows how I get around storms. 

So, I walked my body over to the elevator and up to the roof top. Still in Bucky's paint-worn shirt, I sit on the edge of the building wall.

The time doesn't faze me as I sit and watch the rain. By the sight of the empty city I would say it's around 3 a.m.

I would take death by water over death by heartbreak any day. 

I genuinely hope that Bucky finds someone as wonderful as him, seeing that that's not me I wish him the best. I'll put on a fake smile for as long as it takes to make him happy, he deserves to be. 

Hair soaking wet I stare at the Manhattan Bridge and the river that lies below it before I hear the creaking of the door. 

"You should really get down from there, you could slip Ana" Steve says walking closer with a black umbrella in his hand, his other hand shoved inside of his pocket for warmth. 

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill myself over a boy Rogers" I reassure him, my breath makes a small cloud in front of me. 

"It cold out here and you could get electrocuted" he tells me. 

"Says the guy holding the umbrella" I reply, he smiles back. I face the city but I can see him out of the corner of my eye. 

"Cmon you can sleep with me" he says. I hop down from the ledge and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me in under the umbrella and keeping me from freezing to death. 

Time Skip: February 20th - 3 a.m.

I got up extra early today for some extra training. I know Steve teaches me everyday but it's always at night and I could use more hours. Combat is usually what he teaches me but today I'm working on perfecting my technique. 

I strap on my gloves and walk over to the punching bag. At first I just normally punch, you know pretending I'm fighting. I lose control a bit and punch my hand straight through the bag, beadings pouring out all over the ground like water. 

I take my frustration over to the concrete wall and take a few swings. Once I'm doing with my "temper tantrum" I look down at my knuckles, all bloody from me literally punching the wall. 

"I'm going to have some nice bruises tomorrow" I say to myself, to expecting anyone to hear me. 

 "This good girl act is a bunch of bullshit, Tessa" A voice echoes through the room. I grab a gun hanging from the wall and point it at the abyss. 

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe she exists, but here she is standing in front of me. But the ones that do call her Aspehn, the Advanced Soldier for Profusion Elimination for the HYDRA Nation. She's credited for over two dozen more assassinations that the Winter Soldier himself. And I was told you are her" the haggard shadows steps into the light. 

"Thats not who I am anymore Fury" Nick Fury walks closer to me. 

"I read your file" I freeze for a minute before walking over to my locker. 

"Oh yeah, find anything interesting enough for you" I tease him. 

"I heard you're good with a gun" he says. 

"Good is an understatement and you know it" I tell him. 

"Cocky is not going to get you any points with me Andrews, but you're lucky I need you for something."

"I don't hurt people anymore, Nick" I say. 

"You know what else I heard?" he ignore me, leaning against the side wall. 


"I heard that Tony and Steve won't let you on a mission with them."

"I heard that you're a total ass who won't leave people alone. And why does that matter? They just don't think I'm ready, I trust their judgment" I reply, sitting down on the bench in front of all the lockers. 

"I think you are more than ready, in fact that is why I'm here. I'm offering you a mission on my team, just one but it's important" he tells me, I look over at him wrapping my hand with a bandage. 

"I work alone" I respond. 

"Fine, then I'll let you work alone. Just show up at the safe house, I'll get your weapons" he replies. 

I don't respond but look away from him, focusing my attention on my busted up hands. 

"Cmon, you've had your time to heal. What do you say?" he asks, but he sounds desperate which is unusual. 

"Fine Fury, but I'm not joining your little hero club okay? And we don't tell any of the people that live in this tower" I lay down my rules.

"Deal" he says, motioning for me to go first out the door. 

"By the way, that eyepatch still makes you look like a pirate" I make fun of him. 

here's a short chapter to chunk up the next few big chapters coming up next! I hope you enjoyed!


traitor (bucky barnes)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin