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Time Skip: November, 2011

I feel trapped. All my memories are still here but, for some reason, I can't get them out. It's like they are shoved in the back of my brain and they can't seem to make it to the front. 

I have more privileges than September, HYDRA trusts me more now because they know my body won't leave. But, in the back of my mind, I'm the same old Tess. 

I almost forgot to mention the stinging sensation on my left hand. The day they switched me into Aspehn, they branded me. Strucker places a hot star shaped fire poker on the space between my index finger and my thumb. It burned tremendously, but I barely showed any reaction at all. 

Ever since that day, Strucker has been training me to go on missions with the Winter Soldier. I've improved immensely, considering I have only been here for 4 months. Tortured for 2 months and 3 weeks before actually training. 

Me and the Winter Soldier have gone on many missions together. We'd take take one of HYDRA's attack planes to the location of the kill.

Missions A1-100 were the hardest for me. I had to learn how things worked around here when you are a super soldier: you get beaten terribly if a mission fails and if the mission is a success I get "cell privileges." That basically means I get to take a shower and two meals a day for a week. Showering and eating more hasn't really had an effect on me yet, I'm still extremely underweight and you can't wash away scars. 

Missions A101-300 were okay but specifically Mission A200 is truly a mission I will never forget. Mission A200 is the first expedition where I actually had to kill someone. Fighting and injuring people I could manage, but taking away someones life? That day had to be one of the most devastating days of my life. Murder by knife play is one of the worst ways to go. 

Missions A301-900 were pretty normal, as far as mass murders go. Few innocent civilians were harmed and we barely escaped. 

Missions A901-943 were pretty normal as well. Nothing else to say, I guess. 

hi! so this is a short filler chapter but the missions are important to know about in the future as well. Also, this chapter is all in Tess's head, she's not actually speaking this she's just explaining, incase you were confused why it's all italics! Don't worry, the next few chapters are going to be interesting!


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