and death wins the race

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Steve's POV

"What you mean she's missing?" Bucky yells. 

"That's exactly what I said Buck, but-" I respond before I was rudely cut off by Bruce. 

"Look, we have reasons to believe she was kidnapped last night around 12 p.m." he tells him. 

"I knew I shouldn't have taken your advice...." he scoffs, sitting down at one of the conference chairs. 

"Bucky listen to me-" cut off again, jeez. what does it take to speak more than a few words around here. 

"Steve I could've went after her. She could've been fine....if she dies, it's on you pal" he says calmly, he covers his face with his hands. 

"Let's focus, because we still don't know who took her" Nat breaks the agonizing silence. I know Buck's going to blame me for all of this, I have to get her back. 

"I do" Bucky mumbles. 

"It's HYDRA" Clint shares. 

"She killed their leaders, there's no way an army would rise without a commander" Carol contradicts. 

"What if she didn't kill them all...?" Wanda murmurs from the end of the table. 

"We don't know if any of them survived if we don't know who they are" I tell them. 

"Wolfgang Strucker, Alexander Pierce, Daniel Whitehall, and Baron Zemo. Whitehall is the brains, Pierce is the money, Strucker is the boss and Zemo is just there to honor the dead forth member I killed" Bucky says. 

"So we just have to figure out who gave her the mission" Nat looks around. 


"You're telling me you walked into the glass door."

"Yup" she replies. 

"I guess now I know who took all my stupid" I smile.

"You love me" she winks back.

"Do you know any Allison?" I ask.

"No..?" she responds

"Agent Allison Hunt has been assisting us on a few mission the past week and she asked about you the other day" I questions.

"Ohh Allie Hunt! Yes I do, Fury introduced me to her one time when he stopped by when you guys were on a mission."

"Nick Fury stopped by?" I know she's hiding somethings, but what. I have no idea.

"Yeah he said he was looking for Tony and Nat but I guess it wasn't important if he didn't come back" she says, pretty convincingly. 

"Ok" I say before walking away. 

End of Flashback:

"I know who gave her the mission" I say after freezing for like 2 minutes.


"J.A.R.V.I.S tell Nick Fury to get his old ass to the Avengers Tower right now" Tony orders J.A.R.V.I.S. 

"Right away, sir" it replies.

Time Skip: 2 p.m.

"I told you, I have no idea who took her" Fury responds. 

"Yeah but you sent her on a mission that you knew she couldn't handle!" I argue with him.

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