the savior part I

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I woke up early this morning to get ready for Fury's little escapade today. I'm not quite sure what the mission is so I slipped on some black biker shorts and a matching sports bra to make it seem like I'm going on a run, if anyone catches me sneaking out. 

Well it's not really sneaking out, Steve acts as though he can boss me around. I have my freedom so basically I'm just leaving the tower. 

I tie my hair up in a high pony tail and grab my tote bag. I head for my bedroom door, pony tail shining behind my head. I make it over to the living room before I'm stopped by a familiar voice. 

"And where are you going at 4 in the morning, Andrews?" Steve asks sitting on the couch holding a coffee cup. 

"I should be asking you the same thing, Rogers" I reply, he just looks me up and down. I try and hide my hands behind my back while he is distracted by questions. 

"I'm going on a run, if you must know" I say when he doesn't respond. 

"Okay" he says. 

"Ok then, I'll be on my way" I tell him before turning around quickly, not look at what was walking toward me. 

More like who. 

I bump into Bucky, who was walking around over to the couch. I fall straight down on my ass and my bag spills everywhere. 

"Oh my god Tess, I'm sorry. Here let me-" he says before I cut him off. 

"It's fine I got it" I respond firmly. While I was re-packing the stuff back into my bag, he must have caught a glimpse of my knuckles. 

"What the hell happened to your hands?" he asks, putting on his fake worried face. 

"That does concern you anymore Barnes, you made that pretty clear" I say standing back up and walking away to the elevator. 

"That doesn't mean I don't care about-" he manages to spit out. 

"Tessa!" Steves butts in. 

"The wall hit me first" I say sarcastically before stepping into the elevator and clicking the 'main level' button. I hear Steve scoff just as the doors shut. 

At the safe house in Hartford, Connecticut

I arrive at the safe house a few hours later. Fury arranged a driver to pick me up a few blocks away from the tower, to make sure Steve believed that I actually was going on a run. 

The safe house was a small, pale shade of creme cottage. The navy blue shutters were barley hanging on along with two outside lights both also old- looking, one of the lightbulbs on the lights were out and the other flickered every few seconds. It was still pretty early in the morning so the sky was tinted a bit darker. 

I got out of the car and walked up to the door, turning the knob and stepping inside. The cottage looked like a normal house, the kitchen was neat and it wasn't as dusty as I thought it was going to be. A few people, including Nick, were gathered around a laptop and brief case on what looks like a dinning room table. 

"Ah Tessa, we've been waiting" Fury said looking up and over at me. 

"Well if your driver hit the gas petal a little harder I would have been here faster" I say.

"What did I say about the attitude?" he replies to my comment. I brush him off and walk over to the table.

"Here's the file, everything you need to know about the mission is in there but I'm going to walk you through it."

I know opening this file would bring back painful memories, but I have to push through if my scars are to heal. 

"Agent Hunt was kidnapped from this base here in Portugal two days ago. She was co-assisting Agent Tanner on a business mission and was undercover for a month prior. We received a ransom video that placed her here, Hartford, Connecticut." he explains to me, spreading out a map and pointing. 

"Allison was last seen in disguise over here, she had eyes on Alexander Pierce over there and Agent Tanner and the backup were over here" he points at the computer screen to show me where she was. Allison was sitting at a restaurant table with a cup of tea, she probably had eyes on the target. Red coat, black pants, brown hair, blue eyes, baseball cap and sunglasses. Got it. 

"Wait, can you zoom in over there?" I say pointing to a man leaning against the base of a bridge. The man working the computer zooms in and enhances the image so that it's clearer. 

"That's Whitehall, save that Jasper and grab that from the printed Evelynn" Nick says, looking over a the woman standing across the table, next to the brief case. 

"Daniel Whitehall?" I ask him. 

He doesn't respond, he just looks at me. 

"Hold on, you never said this had anything to do with HYDRA Nick" I tell him. 

"Okay maybe I left out a few details but we need you on this one, you are the only one that came out alive" he says. 

"What about Bucky? Make him do this, not me" I respond. 

"I read your statistics on your chart, your number of kills is higher than I've ever seen. Even higher than the Winter Soldier" he coerces me in. 

"Aspehns chart, you read her chart not mine. And why should I be proud of that?" I say. 

"I'm simply saying that even though Aspehn is long gone, you still have her combat skills. Use it for something good" he replies. 

"Fine, but I need a suit."

"Way ahead of you, I also have your weapons and the motorcycle" Fury tells me, I send him a quick smirk before looking back down at the file. 

Time Skip: 1 p.m. - Hartford, Connecticut 

"2 more miles and you will arrive at a warehouse Tess, it'll come up fast" Jasper says, watching me from back at the safe house with Evelynn and Fury. He attached a small camera to the belt on my suit, it looks very similar to the one "I" wore for HYDRA. 

"I see it" I say slowing down, talking into the mic in my ear. 

"Remember the ransom video you watched earlier? There's a door on the second floor, enter through that. If you walk through the front door I estimate your death in about 1.673 seconds" Jasper explains to me. 

"Okay that totally didn't freak me out at all" I reply, hoping off the motorcycle I rode helmet-less. I jog over the left side of the abandon warehouse and walk, gun in both hands, towards the back. 

I make sure no idiot is hiding behind the corner before climbing up the ladder hanging on the wall. 

"I could use Peter right about now" I scoff. 

"Isn't stealth one of your many strengths? That involves quietness, so shut up" Fury barks at me, I just roll my eyes. 

I reach the seance floor and slip through the window. My boots, from landing on the floor, create a wave of dust and causes me to cough a bit. 

It's dusty as hell up here. 

"Focus, Allie should be one level under you. We sent you upstairs to give the height advantage" Fury says through the mic. 

"Or else I would died in 1.652 second right" I complain, pointing my gun up and walking over to some railing inform of me. I quickly realize that level 2 is just a walk way around the floor, there is no solid ground, just metal with holes in it. 

"1.673 actually" Jasper corrects me. 

"I hate you already" I respond. 

traitor (bucky barnes)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ