Chapter 14

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"O you who believe! Observe your duty to Allah as it ought to be observed, and let not death overtake you unless you be in a state of complete submission (to your Lord)." (Quran 3:102)

It's Wednesday, which means it's the results show. Last night was Country themed, so I had to sing a Country song. It's not my strength, but I tried my best. I chose to sing "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts. I realize that ever since I've been called a terrorist and these attacks by "Muslims" have happened, my songs have been getting sadder and sadder each week. I need to cheer up because it's been affecting me. I'm still here to win the show, in sha Allah, but lately I've been feeling this empty feeling inside me. I don't know what it is.
I think about this as the guest singer, Giana Williams (Carrie Underwood) sings. She was a contestant on this show almost ten years ago. She actually won the whole show. She was also our mentor this week. She sings Country music. I don't like Country music that much, but her songs are so good that it doesn't matter to me what she sings.

I'm sitting on seats with my fellow contestants. There are already two people in the bottom three sitting on stools on the other side of the stage. This means that the people there are at risk of going home because less people voted for them last night. Tatiana is one of the people sitting there. I really hope that she makes it because her voice is amazing.

After Giana sings, Cody will tell us who the third person is on the bottom three. Then, the results of who goes home will be revealed.

Giana sings and there's a commercial break for four minutes. I have Mason sitting on my right and Audrey on my left.

"I'm nervous." Mason tells me.

"Don't be. You were amazing last night! Country music is your specialty, not mine." I say.

"No, you were amazing! I just wasn't feeling it last night." He looks down.

"We all have those nights, Mason. Trust me. It's okay." I gently pat him on the back a couple times.

"Thanks, Alina." He says while really looking into my eyes.

"You're welcome." I smile.

The commercial break is over.

"Welcome back everyone! Now, I'm going to announce who the last person is in the bottom three. Then, I'll announce who's going home. The last person in the bottom three is..." Cody says. He pauses for thirty seconds. The camera focuses on all of us to show how nervous we are. I silently pray in my head over and over again for Allah to let me stay in the show so I can fulfill my dream.

"Audrey." Cody says finally. I hug her before she joins Tatiana and Fred, the other contestant in the bottom three, on the stools across the stage. I'm really shocked because I think Audrey did so well.

After that, Cody asks Tatiana, Audrey, and Fred to join him at the center of the stage.

"The person who's safe is..." Cody does that dramatic pause again, this time with the camera on the three contestants with him.

"Fred." He says. Fred is happy, but he hugs Audrey and Tatiana. Then he joins us. I'm nervous because one of my best friends that I've made on this show is going home. The thought of one of them not being with us in the room makes me sad.

"The person going home is..." Cody says and again does a very dramatic pause. I just want to know already!

"Tatiana." He says. I open my mouth in shock. Tatiana begins to cry as Audrey hugs her. I leave my seat and go to the center of the stage to hug her. All three of us have a group hug.

Audrey and I return to our seats while Tatiana sings the song she sang last night. Audrey and I have tears in our eyes at this point.

After the show ends, Audrey and I help Tatiana pack her bags. Then we go to the airport with her and her parents.

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