Chapter 8

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       “And if the Unbelievers seek your help, then help them, and escort them to safety. So long as they are true to you, be true to them. Surely, Allah loves righteousness.” (Quran 9:6)

        Aman looks at me with a fearful look. I look down, pretending to be fascinated with the table. 

        "It's not Alina's fault! It's mine!" Aman exclaims. I look up at him and then he looks at me. "I was the one who asked her to be in this relationship. She didn't initiate it at all. It was all me. If you're looking for someone to blame, then blame me!" The whole house is silent. It lasts a few seconds, but it feels like hours. I look down at the table again wishing I could escape and go back to the mansion with the safety of my parents and my friends. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I hold them back. I love Aman, but I wish my parents could know. 

        "Alina, Aman, please look at me." his dad says. We both look up at him. I can't read his face. He doesn't look mad, but he doesn't look happy either. I'm so scared.

        "Dad, please don't blame her for anything. Blame me." Aman says in a soft voice. It makes my heart melt because he sounds so sincere. He really does care for me. 

        "I'm not blaming anyone. The truth is that your mother and I were just like you two. We were together in this kind of relationship for a few months before your mother's parents knew me well enough. As soon as they knew me well enough, I asked them for her hand in marriage. Every day your mother and I ask Allah for forgiveness. The point is that now we're happily married, alhamdulilah. That's what matters. We understand what you two are going through. Aman, Alina's parents will get to know you and as soon as they know you, go ask for Alina's hand in marriage. And Alina, you're the best thing that has happened to my son. He's so much happier with you. I thank Allah for sending you to him. What you're doing with your life is amazing. You have a lot of courage to deal with ignorant people who may hurt you for simply being Muslim. I pray for you every day to not get hurt from these horrible people. I pray that people will be more open to Islam and be kinder to Muslims after hearing your story and seeing how amazing you are. You're everything I've ever wanted in a daughter-in-law. I approve of the marriage between you two." his dad explains. By this point, my face is wet with tears. Aman is holding my hand from across the table. 

        "T-t-thank you for a-a-all of that." I barely manage to say to him through my tears. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me in my whole life. Words can't even describe how I feel right now. 

        I feel Aman's mom rub her hand on my back. 

        "It's pure truth." his dad says to me smiling. I smile back at him.

        I ask where the bathroom is so I can wipe off the makeup that's on my cheeks. Aman gets up and tells me to follow him. We go down the hall and turn to the right. We go in the bathroom without closing the door. I clean my makeup off my cheek and wipe my hands on a towel. After, Aman wraps his arms around my waist. I put my hands on top of his. We look in the mirror for a while just smiling and admiring ourselves as a couple. Aman is my future husband. I'm quite happy with it. He's shown me that he truly cares about me. He was willing to take the blame to save me. He's told me things that happened in his life that he hasn't told other people. 

        "I love you." he says. I open my mouth in surprise. This is the first time he's ever told me he's loved me. 

        "I love you too." I say. He turns me around and we kiss for the first time. It feels so sweet. I feel like Allah is protecting me by sending Aman to me. I feel like he's the man I've been looking for my entire life. Who knew this would ever happen? My life could've been so different if it weren't for Allah. He has protected my family and I. He's made us happy here in America. I have so many things to thank Him for. I feel like I'm at the height of my iman. I feel like sitting down and reading and studying the Quran to understand everything. I feel like doing more for Allah. I feel like becoming a hafizah. I feel like praying all night. And to think I felt all of this with a single kiss. To me, that's a sign that Aman is the one for me, in sha Allah.

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