Chapter 23

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"If anyone puts his trust in Allah, Sufficient is Allah for him." (Quran 65:3)

"Congratulations, mera pyara!" Aman exclaims when I get to his house on Wednesday night. I made it to the top three on the show. Audrey, Mason, and I are the only contestants left. I'm excited because on Monday, I'm going on a plane to Santa Rosa to visit for a couple days. The show always does this with the top three people.

"Shukran kteer, ya habibi!" I say to him. I'm teaching Aman Arabic so he'll be able to talk to my family when we go to Egypt for our wedding.

He hugs me and closes the front door behind me. We hug for the longest time. I love feeling his warmth. I can't wait to feel his warmth every day in this house.

"Afwan kteer, ya habibty," he says. My heart melts when he speaks Arabic. It gets me every time!

We go on his bed and cuddle.

"Imagine when we're married and we're laying here as a married couple!" Aman exclaims.

"I know!" I reply.

"Alina, I have to tell you something," he becomes serious. That was a three sixty turn right there!

"What?!" I ask. He's scaring me.

"Alina, you're the best thing that has happened to my life. To be honest, I was a horrible Muslim before I met you. I didn't pray all five prayers because I never felt it. I never wanted to. I also drank alcohol, and you could see it. I did so many bad things. My low iman transferred to our relationship at first. We had premarital sex and I drank alcohol in front of you. I'm sorry you had to see that, by the way. Anyways, I saw that you were affected negatively by my behavior. But then one morning, I woke up and my iman came back. I prayed until my feet hurt. I cried for so long and I repented to Allah for all of the sins I have ever done. I got my act together because I want to be with you in Jannah. I really do! I couldn't stand to be without you! Allah brought you into my life to guide you me to the right path once again. I was going astray more and more each day. But now, I'm moving on the path thanks to your help. You're my angel because without you, I don't know where I'd be. I would be so lost like I was without you. You're just so perfect. I'm sorry for all the times I snapped at you and hurt your feelings because you don't deserve that. You don't deserve any of it. Thanks to you, I'm a better person. I love you so much and I will forever, even in Jannah, in sha Allah," he says. By the time he's done, I'm crying. This is the sweetest thing I've ever heard from anyone. My heart is extremely melting.

"Aman, I can't even explain how that makes me feel in words. I'm utterly speechless," I manage to say.

"Mera pyrara, you don't have to say anything. I know you love me the same exact way. There's no need to explain."

We lay on the bed together in each other's arms for a long time without saying anything. I'm content just listening to his heartbeat.

I hold him even tighter. I don't want to let him go. He doesn't want to let me go either.

As I lay here, I think about how lucky I am to have him. I love him so much and he's just a beyond amazing person who has made so many sacrifices for me. Alhamdulilah for all of this!

After I go to his house, I drive back to the mansion smiling like I've never smiled before. I feel one hundred percent happy for once in my life. I have a very, very high chance of winning American Idol, I have an amazing fiance who loves me, my best friends are here with me, my family is proud of me, and I've become an extremely better Muslim in the past month.

Before I walk into the mansion, I praise Allah at least a thousand times before I go inside. The smile on my face is priceless.

I walk inside the mansion and am surprised when I see a crowd of people in the lounge. I wonder what's going on.

I see Ashley, Rosa, Francisco, Audrey, Mason, my parents, the crew, the judges, and Cody in the lounge.

"Congratulations, Alina!" they yell. All of them clap. I smile even though I have no idea what they're congratulating me about. They must notice the confusion I have.

"We're proud to tell you that you will leave for Palestine to visit for a couple days. Then from there, you'll go to Santa Rosa,"the producer explains to me with a smile.

I jump up and scream as joyous tears pour down my face. Oh my gosh! I'm going to Palestine!!!!!

"What's better is that we get to come along with you!" Francisco adds.

I hug everyone tightly. I'm so thankful to be able to visit my home country, even if it's only for a couple days.

My mom and my dad cry with me. We finally get to visit after years and years of moving.

"When do we leave?" I ask the producer.

"We leave on Saturday morning," he replies.

After all of the emotions, all of us go to sleep. I can't sleep because I'm excited about going to Palestine after so long. I re imagine all of the good memories I had there. I can't wait to see my family as well since I haven't seen them in years.

I text Aman the good news and he reacts just as excitedly as I did when I found out.

I finally go to sleep with a huge smile on my face that goes from eye to eye.


Assalamu alykoum guys! I'm so glad that I've been able to update three times this week! In sha Allah, I can update a fourth time, but it might not be until next week. Anyways, this chapter is short and happy because Alina has had so many bad things happen to her during most of the novel, so I wanted to make a feel good chapter. The next chapter is going to be a lot longer and cover a couple major events that will happen. So, please be patient as I update. Thanks everyone for reading my book! :D

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