Chapter 15

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"Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed." (Quran 16:91)

I made it through another week of American Idol. I keep thanking Allah for getting me through each week.

I close my eyes on the next Wednesday night in my bed, happy that I made it through another week. But then I feel that I need to check my phone. My gut feeling was right. Francisco FaceTimed me five times within a few minutes and he's trying to reach me again.

But then I feel that I need to check my phone. My gut feeling was right. Francisco FaceTimed me five times within a few minutes and he's trying to reach me again.

I go into the bathroom and answer the call.

"What's up?" I ask him. His face looks serious. Something's wrong.

"I have bad news." My heart starts pounding.

"What is it?" I ask calmly, but my facial expression betrays me.

"The drug cartel my uncle works in is after my family and I now. My uncle passed away tonight and he owed them a huge amount of money. They want it from us. Obviously, we don't have much money, so we can't pay it." My mouth opens and my eyes widen. I stare at him for a few moments in complete shock.

"What?! How did they find you?!"

"I don't know. That's the scary part. They haven't threatened to do anything bad to us...yet. We haven't told them that we don't have the money yet, but we're trying to stall them for as long as possible."

"How did they approach you?!"
"They approached my dad. He was walking near our house and one of them suddenly came up to him. Of

They approached my dad. He was walking near our house and one of them suddenly came up to him. Of course my dad didn't know the guy was a part of the cartel at the time. So, then the guy shoved my dad into a nearby alley. The guy told him everything and that they'll watch our house. They're right because I see black figures across the street in cars or hiding in trash cans. They're seriously watching. The problem is that we can't run away. They'll follow us wherever we go. We need to find a way to get the money or we must pray for a miracle."

"But can't you take this to the police?! They have to help you!"

"You don't understand, Alina. These guys run most of the Latin American countries. Each countries' governments even fear them. They're powerful people. They're not just your average gang. These are real, evil people and they're serious about what they say."

"What are you going to do?!" I'm still in shock. Am I dreaming? Did I already fall asleep and I'm just dreaming? I really hope that it's a dream, even though I already know it's not.

"I don't know, Alina. My parents are talking about moving to another state at least so they can't find us. My parents are already looking for houses in far away states." My heart starts to beat. Francisco, one of my best friends, is moving? What?! This can't be happening!

"But, you're one of my best friends, Francisco."

"I know, Alina, but it doesn't mean our friendship will end. We can still visit. This is temporary. Hopefully they'll leave us alone. And for my conversion, if we move soon, then we can just do it over the phone. If not, then I'll still come down there as planned. Don't worry. This doesn't mean I want to leave Islam either. If it's anything, Allah has helped me get through this."

"Allahu akbar! Allah is always the best. In sha Allah you'll be able to stay in California."
"In sha Allah. But we have to see. We have to pray. We have to be patient."

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