Chapter 4

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Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury (Quran 2:263)

                I walk in the door to the Indian restaurant Francisco, Rosa, Ashley, and I went to about a week ago. I’m eating alone tonight so I can get some alone time.

                This week has been extremely hectic. Just three hours ago I sang live on American Idol to the East Coast. It should be airing on this side of the country about now.

                The hostess at the front sees me and takes me to a table in the back. She tells me that my waiter will be Aman again. My heart skips a beat. I remember the way he stared and flirted with me the last time I was here. I want him to do that again.

                I suddenly hear the American Idol theme song play in the background. I look up at all the TVs in the room and see that American Idol is playing. I’m not surprised.

                Aman walks up to my table and instantly smiles.

                “Assalamy alykoum!” he says.

                “Walykoum assalam!” I reply.

                “I’m glad you’ve decide to dine here again.”

                “Of course! The food was beyond delicious last time!”

                “That’s very good! I’m glad you liked it! Will your order be the same as last time?”

                “Yeah, except it will be for one person instead of three.”

                “I’ll put in the order right away. I’ll be back with your Mango Lassi.” He smiles and walks to the kitchen.

                He remembered my order! I didn’t expect that!

                I look at the TV behind me. I can’t believe I’ll be watching myself!

                I watch Audrey sing. She was the first contestant to sing. I absolutely love her voice.

                Aman brings out my drink.

                “Do you mind if I dine with you, Alina? My shift is over and I’m very hungry. Don’t worry. Your food is being cooked” he asks me.

                “No, I don’t mind at all. Go ahead” he seats himself across from me.

                “Do you like American Idol?” he asks as he gestures to the TV.

                “Yeah, I watch it. Do you?” I don’t reveal myself because he’ll see me on the TV soon anyway.

                “I watch it every year. I love seeing rising stars become something. I don’t sing, but in sha Allah I’ll become something more than a waiter” I hear the sincerity in his voice.

                “In sha Allah. Are you going to school?”

                “Yes. I currently go to Cal State LA. I’m a waiter here in my family’s business so I can pay some of my tuition and save money for gas.”

                “I really hope you go far in life, in sha Allah.”

                “JazakAllah khair! What’s your life story?” As soon as he asks me that, I hear myself singing from behind me on the TV. I turn around and see myself. I get a chill. I then turn back to Aman. He watches the TV and then looks to me wide-eyed. I scan the restaurant and see that everyone else is looking at me too.

Alina KanaanWhere stories live. Discover now