Chapter 6

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I want to dedicate this whole book to my French teacher who has passed away on December 27, 2014, Dr. Richard Conley. He changed my life and has always believed in my writing. I really thank him for the good times he has shared and I thank him for all the advice. I also thank him for defending Islam and accepting me as a Muslim. Thank you Dr. Conely! You will be missed! RIP


And in whatsoever ye disagree, the Verdict therein belongs to Allah.(Quran 42:10)

        "You're pregnant?!" I ask Ashley. I'm still on the phone with her in my car.

        "Yes, Alina, I am. I know, I don't like it either, but what can I do now? I'm pregnant. I don't want to get an abortion and I don't want to put my baby up for adoption. I want to take care of my baby" she says while crying.

        "Ashley, everything is going to be okay. Just calm down. Have you told your parents yet?"

     "No, but they're not going to be happy since it goes against Judaism to have sex before marriage. I know it's the same for Islam. Just imagine having to tell your parents you're pregnant out of marriage". I think about it for a moment. My parents would feel so bad that I went against a principle of Islam by getting pregnant without marriage. I instantly feel even more of her pain since I put myself in her shoes.

       "I understand completely. Who was the guy?" I ask her. She doesn't answer for a few moments.

      "It was Daniel". Silence. I sigh. Daniel is a bad boy at our school. He hangs out with all the wrong people and does all the wrong things. Ever since sophomore year, he's been crushing on Ashley in such an obvious way. I always told her not to go with him because he's a bad guy. I know he's been to jail a lot and I think he's currently on proobabtion for who knows what. But what's done is done. All that matters is that he won't leave her alone in this situation. That's what she needs.

        "I know it was with the wrong person, Alina, but I mean, he acted so nice towards me and he knew all the right things to say. I regret that we did anything. I mean, at least he's not leaving me. He told me he's going to be with me the whole time". And that's when I stop holding my breath. I understand how guys can say all the right things to a girl just to have sex, but what really matters is that they stay with the girl they got pregnant. I admire Daniel for doing that since I know a lot of guys don't.

        "What matters is that he's not leaving you alone. It's okay, Ashley. I'll help you out no matter what".

        "Thanks so much, Alina! It really means a lot to me!" We talk for a while and then I go inside the mansion. I go into my parents' room to say hi and let them know I'm back.

        "Hi, mama and baba" I say to them.

        "Hi, habibty. How was your time alone?" my mom asks in Arabic.

       "It was nice. I got some Chinese food and drove around LA" I say in Arabic. I instantly feel a pang of guilt for lying to my parents. But I remember that pretty soon I won't have to lie to them anymore since Aman and I will be officially engaged, in sha Allah.

        "Tomorrow we're meeting Aman's parents for some dinner. You are invited to come if you'd like. Aman and Rani will be there" my dad explains. I tell him that I'll go tomorrow. I'm excited inside of me since it'll be a good opportunity for Aman to get to know my parents even more.

        I tell them good night and walk up to my room. Audrey's there, but Tatiana's no where to be seen.

        "Hi Aubrey. Where's Tatiana?" I ask her.

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