Chapter 24

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"So verily, with every difficulty, there is relief." (Quran 94:5)

It's finally Friday, the day that Francisco and Mason are converting to Islam! I'm beyond excited to be apart of this beautiful and enjoyable experience.

I get ready to go to the mosque by putting on an elegant purple hijab, being careful not to rip apart my packed suitcase for my trips to Palestine and Santa Rosa. I can't believe we leave tomorrow!

It's a little after Dhuhr prayer begins when we leave for the mosque. All of us are planning to pray it together in the mosque since it's Jummah today. Francisco and Mason already know how to pray and have memorized all the Arabic words that go with each movement.

When we're ready to leave, I see Francisco and Mason downstairs wearing kufis and white robes. This is traditional Islamic clothing that men wear. Some men wear them every day, but some men choose not to. Either way, men have to be careful about what they wear as well as women.

"You guys look very spiffy!" I exclaim. They both blush.

My parents, Audrey, Ashley, Rosa, Mason, Francisco, and I file into different cars to go to the mosque. Even though Audrey, Ashley, and Rosa aren't Muslims, I appreciate that they're coming to support Francisco and Mason.

Francisco, Mason, and I squeeze into the backseat of my parents' car while Audrey takes the girls in her car.

"I'm nervous," Mason says.

"So am I," Francisco agrees.

"You two will be fine. You have us," I say and smile. They smile back.

We finally arrive at the mosque. There are many people there waiting for this event to happen.

We go directly to the imam to let him know that Francisco and Mason are here ready to convert.

"Assalamu alykoum my brothers in Islam! If you would like to begin this event, we can. We can also start whenever you're ready," the imam explains with a smile on his face.

"Walykoum assalam! We're ready to begin," Francisco and Mason both say.

The imam walks us out to the center of the mosque. Everyone circles us in a respectful distance.

"Assalamu alykoum everyone!", the imam begins to say, "Today, we have two men, Francisco and Mason, converting to Islam. Allahu akbar!"

"Allahu akbar!" everyone shouts.

He decides to do Mason first.

"Repeat these words after me," the imam says to Mason, "Ashadu ana laa ilaha il Allah w ashadu ana Muhammadan rasoolAllah."

Alina KanaanWhere stories live. Discover now