Chapter 35

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He said: "My success can only come from Allah. In Him I trust, and unto Him I look." (Quran 11:88) 

I look out the window of the bedroom and see the bright sunset. I also see the beach close by. The waves are getting smaller as smaller as the sky darkens. 

We are in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. This is the last stop on our honeymoon. We have gone to Egypt, Lebanon, and UAE to visit my family as well.

Francisco should be getting back from the store any minute now. I feel so excited to tell him some good news I just learned! I'm so thrilled and happy beyond words!

Francisco walks through the door with a bag of groceries in his hand. I can't contain my smile from him.

"What's going on?" he asks. It brings a smile to his face. I become so excited. He sets the groceries on the kitchen table.

"I'm pregnant, Francisco," I say. His smile spreads wider on his face.

"You are?!" he exclaims. 

"I am," I take out the pregnancy test I took and show him the plus sign on it. 

"Oh my gosh! We're pregnant!" he exclaims. He hugs me so tightly. I feel like I'm going to explode with joy!

We sit down on the couch and cuddle.

"What should we name our baby?" he asks me. He rubs my stomach. 

"How about Karim for a boy and Maryam for a girl?" I ask.

"I love those names, amor," he says. 

We talk about the future and how we're going to live in California when we get back there, which will be soon in sha Allah. I start creating my new album soon, but I'm coming out with a single before the album will be out. That's because I want people to anticipate the album.

"Let's call your parents and tell them," he tells me. 

"Then, we can go over and tell yours," I say. His parents are staying at his aunt's house. It's only about a block or two away from this house. This is a vacation house. It was a gift from Francisco's family to us. This way, we can come back here whenever we want!

I call my parents with my mom and put it on speakerphone.

"Alina, habibty, how are you and Francisco?" my dad answers.

"We're fine, alhamdulilah!" Francisco says.

"Assalamu alykoum, Francisco!" my dad says to him.

"Walykoum assalam!" Francisco replies.

"Is mom home too?" I ask.

"Yes, she is."

"Can you bring her to the phone too and put her on speaker? We have some good news to share."

"Yes, hold on one second," it takes a few moments.

"Hi you guys!" my mom says.

"Hi, mama!" I say.

"We have some good news to share with the both of you," Francisco says.

"What is it?" my parents ask.

"I'm pregnant!" I exclaim.

"You're pregnant?!" they ask. They don't sound so excited. My smile instantly turns into a frown. Francisco rubs my arm for reassurance. I feel like crying.

"Yes, I am," I say in a dull tone.

"We're going to have more grandchildren!" my mom exclaims. A smile returns on my face. 

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