Chapter 30

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"And Allah is the Protector of the Righteous." (Quran 45:19) 

Francisco and I enter the doctor's office the next day in the afternoon. I check in so the doctors know I'm here. We then sit in the waiting room.

I watch three kids playing with toys nearby. They're having so much fun. I wish I didn't have to worry about all these things. All they're worried about is toys.

"I want kids," I tell Francisco as I watch them. I remember my miscarriage and feel a wave of pain go through my body.

"Me too, in sha Allah," he says. We both watch them and smile. 

"Alina Kanaan," one of the nurses calls out. Francisco and I get up and walk with her. 

We go through the usual routine of taking my weight, height, blood pressure, and more in one of the back rooms. Then, we are lead to the room where I wait for the doctor to come. I sit on the bed and Francisco sits in a chair close to the bed.

"I'm really nervous," I tell him.

"Don't be. Just have faith that everything will be okay," he smiles. I love his positivity. It has helped so much during this horrible time.

Shortly, the doctor comes in. His name is Dr. Eberly. 

He closes the door behind him and looks to me.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Eberly," he smiles and extends his hand. It's haram for men and women to shake hands in Islam, but I shake his hand anyways so I'm not being rude.

"My name is Alina Kanaan and this is my friend, Francisco," I say. He then shakes Francisco's hand.

"I've heard a lot about you, Alina. Great job!" Dr. Eberly says to me. I thank him. He then sits down in the chair facing the computer in the room.

"So, Alina, what are you here for today?" he asks me. I look down to the floor.

"I want to see if I have any STDs or not," I say in almost a whisper. I'm still extremely ashamed of my actions.

Dr. Eberly asks me various questions about my sex life. I look at Francisco and he doesn't seem to feel uncomfortable at all about me answering these questions in detail in front of him. 

"Okay, well I will send a request for the blood test center to get your blood. Then, after your blood is taken, we will call you within a couple weeks to tell you the results," Dr. Eberly explains. 

"Thank you," I say. He then explains that the blood test center is downstairs. 

Francisco and I walk downstairs.

"I'm sorry about that. It must've been awkward," I tell him.

"Not at all. It's what needed to be done," he replies.

We go into the blood test center. I fill out all my information and sit down with Francisco again in the waiting room. Before we know it, I'm called to go take my blood. It takes seconds for the job to be done. 

We go back to my house and Francisco stays for dinner. 

I space out and picture Aman across from me at the dinner table smiling at me. He talks to my parents as well about many pleasant things.

"Alina?" I hear someone say. I look up trying to figure out who said my name.

"How was your day?" my mom asks me.

"It went well, alhamdulilah," I reply. Francisco is giving me a sympathetic look. I give him one back. He knows who I'm thinking about. 

"I have an announcement everyone!" my dad says. I suddenly look up. I'm curious to know what it is.

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