Chapter 18

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WARNING: Heavy topic ahead!

"If Allah finds any good in your heart, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you" (Quran 8:70)

I see thick blood on my pants. I pull them down and there's blood everywhere. I immediately sit on the toilet so I don't make any more mess on the floor.

I begin to sob and cramps keep rocking my body. Thick blood keeps coming out.

"Should I call 911?!" Aman asks me, taking out his phone.

"No, don't call. I know what this is," I say in between sobs.

I'm in the middle of a miscarriage. I was pregnant. I didn't think I was pregnant because after what happened between Aman and I, I started having cramps, so I knew my monthly gift was coming. It's always been irregular for me, so I never worried about when it came. But now I see I was pregnant and the worst part is that I just lost my baby. I don't know what's sadder for me.

"I have to call 911! You keep pouring blood!" Aman says. I nod my head as I sob.

"I don't want our parents to know," I say.

"They won't, mera pyara. They won't."

He dials 911 and tells the person on the other end what's happening to me.

It seems like forever until I hear the ambulance's siren.

I pull up my blood stained pants and stand up, but I end up fainting. Everything turns black.

I slowly open my eyes. There are lights all around me. I feel someone holding my hand.

Everything is blurry for a few seconds, but then my vision becomes focused.

"You're awake, mera pyara," Aman says calmly with a smile. He rubs my arm up and down as he sits beside my hospital bed.

"What happened?" I ask. I sound really tired.

"You fainted in my bathroom, but the ambulance took you to the hospital. I came with you. And look, Garry is here," he points to Garry at the foot of my bed.

"Hi, Alina," Garry smiles.

"Hi, Garry. Thanks for coming," I say.

"No thanks needed. You're family," I smile.

"Are my parents here?" I ask Aman suddenly becoming worried. I don't want them to know at all. They'd be ashamed of me.

"No, they're not. They don't know about this," he says. I breathe a sigh of relief.

The doctor comes in.

"How are you feeling, Alina?" he asks me.

"I'm feeling a lot better. How long was I unconscious?" I ask.

"Probably about an hour. You lost a lot of blood, but you're still okay."

"Why did I have a miscarriage, doctor?" I ask holding back the tears.

"Well, we did some tests on you and it shows that nothing is wrong with you. We have to do some tests on Aman here to see if there are medical issues with him, but other than that I guess this baby wasn't meant to be. I'm very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, doctor. How pregnant was I?"

"You were about a month or less. It wasn't far, but you were still pregnant."

"Oh I see."

"I'll be back in a little bit to conduct Aman's tests," the doctor exits the room and closes the door.

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