Chapter 7

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"And speal good to people" (Quran 2:83)

I'm at the mosque again with my parents, Aman, his parents, and Rani. I feel like going to a corner or spot in the mosque alone to pray. The negative comments I read the other night are still with me, but I'm getting over them as well. It's funny how as humans we can hear so many good things about ourselves, but when we hear one negative thing we obsess over it.

I pick a spot in the women's section away from everyone else. Now is my time to really talk to Allah in a place that worships Him. I sit cross legged on the floor and raise my hands. I know that this will be a long dua so I position my arms and hands to my comfort.

I say Al Fatihah quietly to myself and then begin my dua. I decide to say it all in my head so no one overhears me. I close my eyes.

"Ya rab, thank You for everything You have given me. I really appreciate it. If it weren't for You, I'd be nowhere.

"Firstly, thank You for bringing me this far in American Idol. I love being able to sing while bringing awareness to Palestine and the Middle East as well as Islam. That's my intention.

"Thank You for bringing my family and I safely to the USA. You have taken care of us.

"Thank You for the support I'm getting in my singing and thank You for my family and friends. They all support me as well.

"Thank You for bringing Aman into my life. I know that it's haram to be in this relationship with him, but our intention is to marry. My parents are getting to know him and he wants to make the best impression. Please forgive us. I'm so sorry for this, but I know that it won't last long. I feel like we belong together. But You know what's right and what's wrong.

"Please protect me and my friends and family. Thank You for everything" I pass my hands over my face and say "Ameen" to myself. I feel so much better now that I made dua.

I sit there for a while just making dhikr and thinking about my life. And that's when I see her. I look up and see Salma. What is she doing here?! The last time I saw her was in Egypt.

I go up to her since she's alone.

"Salma? Is that you?" I ask her in Arabic. She looks up to me and smiles. She stands up and hugs me tightly.

"Yes, it's really me" she says after we embrace.

"What are you doing here? I mean, wow! It's been so long!". Salma was my best friend in Egypt. We met in school when I first came to Egypt from Palestine. She saw me sitting alone on a bench during break time. She came up to me and asked if I wanted to be friends with her. Of course I agreed. Even though she's a year older than me, we've been the best of friends. I've missed her so much since I moved to California, but now she's here!

"I came here to find you. You're practically famous in Egypt. Everyone knows about you. They all support you. But I wanted to come visit you as a surprise. Once I got to LA, I didn't know where to find you. I asked but people thought I was crazy. So I found this mosque and prayed about finding you. And now you're here alhamdulilah!"

"Alhamdulilah! Allah works in amazing ways! I'm so glad you're here! My parents would love to see you! Come, let me bring you to them". I grab her hand and bring her to everyone. My parents are shocked to see her. I also introduce her to Aman and his family. She tries her best to speak English to them since she only knows the basics. I end up working as a translator.

After all of us are done at the mosque, my parents drive Salma and I back to the mansion. She's amazed at how big it is. Before we walk in, I ask my parents if I can drive Salma around Hollywood so we can catch up. They agree. I take my car keys out of my purse and go to my car. I drive her around Hollywood and she's amazed.

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