14| Ankle Biter

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It's been a week since Rayland found out about my secret relationship with Alejandro and she somehow convinced me to come out to my family; 'if they don't accept you, that's their loss' she told me. I don't know what possessed me in the beginning to dislike her but now that I spent more time with, the more I see her as a real sister; blood or not. We came to a collective agreement we're not at that point just yet in our relationship but definitely see each other as closer than before.

I was of course nervous to come out but I was more excited to finally get it off my chest; no more secrets. I gathered everyone in the living room to have the discussion.

"What is it because I have a girl waiting for me upstairs and she has the best-" Jayden started but was cut off by a cough coming from the opposite side of the room.

"Fucking pig." Rayland coughed under her breath, Jayden glared at her.

"Horse." He retorted.






"Ankle biter."

"Mole rat-"

"Enough!" I yell, everyone's heads snapped to me in shock, I've never been one to yell. Jayden and Rayland grudgingly apologize and give me their full attention.

Children, literal children.

"I have an announcement to make to all of you," I sighed. I opened my mouth multiple times but I couldn't come up with the right words. Rayland laughed to herself muttering something about a fish.

How about 'I'm gay' dumbass?

Shut up.

I was just trying to help.

My family was still waiting on me, Rayland was staring at me with concern. She gave me a sweet smile and a thumbs up. The small gesture somewhat calmed my nerves. I took a deep breath in and stared down at my dry hands.

"I'm gay." I blurted out, immediately regretting it when I'm met with dumbfounded faces of my family, excluding Rayland.

I've imagined this moment since I found out that I was gay myself. Since I was young, I realized that I didn't look at girls the same way other boys did. I found them undeniably pretty but I couldn't find myself to imagine a serious relationship with one. I dated a few girls in high school but something didn't feel right; something was missing.

That's when I met Alejandro at the triplets' high school. We were both picking up our brother(s) while they had to stay late for detention two years ago. Obnoxious talking and laughing was all that could be heard in those few minutes we left, once their punishment was over, we exchanged numbers and started secretly meeting up. After a few months of talking, he asked me out and I was elated. He has made me the happiest I have ever been since Mom died and for that, I would give him the world.

"What?" They all exclaim, all the regret immediately fills the inside of my chest. We sat in silence before Dad spoke for the first time.

"You know we love you no matter what you sexually identify, right boys?" Dad spoke up, all of my brothers nodded in response; that immediately put a smile on my face.

"Yeah, it was killing me keeping this secret that you were keeping this secret." Jaylen smiled, as did I until I realized what words came out of his mouth. Jayden and Jaxon simultaneously smacked both sides of his head.

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