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Third Person

"WHERE IS MY FUCKING BAGEL?" A loud, yet familiar voice rang out from downstairs. The boys immediately ran from their rooms to the door with smiles on their faces, all but one. She matched their wide smiles.

As much as she hated to admit it, she missed those buttheads. The most contact they've had were facetime calls and she was excited to see them in person for the first time in three months.

She opened her arms, waiting for the first person to hug her but she was surprised on who it was. She heard another set of footsteps come rushing down the stairs and their arms engulfed her in a warm hug.

Their head was tucked behind her shoulder but by process of elimination and the shocked faces of her family, it could only be one person.


She hesitantly patted his back, feeling weirded out by the fact that the one who hated her most, was the first one to hug her. He eventually pulled back but not without whispering something in her ear.

"Talk later?" He asked, almost pleading by the tone of voice he used. She furrowed her eyebrows but nodded. He looked relieved before walking over to the rest of the family.

"Well are you guys just going to stand there or are you going to give your favorite stepsister a hug?" They snapped out of their trances and Hayden was the first to run up and hug her.

"Hey squirt, you missed me?" She teased, he backed away, vigorously shaking his head.

"No." He looked down at the ground, Ray pulled him back in the hug but not before ruffling his fluffy hair. "Hey, that took forever to do." He complained as he walked over to the mirror, trying to fix his hair as she laughed.

Liam was next to step up, always ready for a hug.

"Don't forget about me pumpkin." She groaned at the nickname, until she remembered Micheal's nickname for him.

"I would never, Hemsworth." She smirked, Liam turned away and glared at his elder brother which he only shrugged.

"I will never forgive you for teaching her that." He spat and trotted back over.

"Who's next?" She opened her arms again, Micheal stepped up ready for a hug but was bewildered when he was pushed away.

"Remember what you promised me at the hospital?" He thought for a moment before shaking his head, she crossed her arms with a look of disgust. "I want my bagel." She pouted, Micheal had a puzzled look, still trying to figure out what she was talking about before it hit him.

"How about you can have a bagel as soon as we get home, alright?"

"Oh my gosh, you cannot be serious. How do you even remember that?" He groaned, she just shrugged. He stomped over to the kitchen and Rayland smiled at her victory.

"Come on over Jaylen." He practically jumped when he heard his name, he was waiting for his turn. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you too, cheerio." She practically wheezed out because of the strength this boy had.

"Oh sorry, Ray. I just can't believe you're back." He cheered, one of the reasons he got his nickname. She laughed and patted his back until he eventually let go.

"I guess it's my turn." Jaxon came over with his arms wide, with a wide smile, she returned the gesture. They stayed for a few seconds before returning to their spots.

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