A sleepless creature

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"Are you okay?" asked a sweet voice

I saw,.........  the beholder of that voice,...
....... a few moments........ later...............

Dhwani, it was..... Standing on the far end of the room.
"Yes, I think so" I replied.

"What a game of football!!.............🤣🤣"Abhimanyu couldn't control his laughter..
" But, this guy has got something. Sid, you're on the team👍"

That voice of Dhwani's couldn't let me sleep last night,  it was,..........so eternal........... I know not, what has happened to me.

Here, I am,  sitting and drooling on the very first bench, being devoid of last night's sleep but the voice still prevails on my mind.

Newton's law of gravitation and the law of conservation of energy, have no effect on me.......

My routine has been going on the same, since past two weeks -
dream about her, eat, sleep   (just the action of sleep has occured, no real sleep; laying on bed and dreaming is what my sleep is now
dream about her, eat, and yeah football practice at 4 o'clock.........

In these two weeks,  nothing much has changed..
I have slowly started getting familiar with all classmates and we are getting along quite well........
My heroics on the football pitch has made me quite a sensation in school and I have full faith that I can take our school to victory in the coming inter-school tournaments 😎.

But, still the problem lies.....
The charm of Dhwani has made me delirious, amongst everything, her face, her voice goes on revolving in my head.

I try to get a glance of her everytime I go out during recess and ofcourse during the assembly 🥺, but with every sighting the wish to get her, gets stronger.

I have already been warned by Abhimanyu's friends(twice, to be precise)  who have noticed me, trying to get closer to her😔..................

But, this is not what I want, I surely have got to do something and I shall.......

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