Into the depths

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I am a great fan of Detective thrillers.

Thus, although the circumstances took a completely unprecedented turn and I was totally confused, I decided that I should take a deep breathe and think about what has happened for the past three months.

Last night, I denied taking drugs and all the inspector could do was open his aviators, glare cruelly at me and again put it back on...

I asked the nurse to bring me a notepad and a pen and I decided to jolt down each and everything that surprised me or made me suspicious...

I need to get into the depth of the matter and seek the truth out of it at all costs....

Firstly, who told Abhimanyu that I went to meet Dhwani in the Library as it was impossible for him to know about it....

Secondly, Why did KS open up to help me all of a sudden! Its not that we are good friends and what would he get from helping me! Was that 5000 rupees everything he wanted? I have no idea at all........

Some guy did all my projects without my knowledge and submitted to Ms. Suzanne.. 
Doing 13 projects overnight is not an easy task and the person clearly knew that I won't be able to do it.. This person really  wanted me to participate in the competition... 

Next, Did I reveal something that I shouldn’t have?  Most probably during the my place.....
Abhimanyu had passed out, he couldn’t have known...

Oh! Holy me.... Good detectives never choose their villian at the beginning... They suspect everyone and I need to do that as well... I need to shift focus to everyone and not only to Abhimanyu.

So, even that occasion did surprise me, when Dhwani asked me to become her friend out of nowhere......

(No! Dhwani  cannot be bad.. She is good, no! My mind is playing games, Dhwani is not involved in anything)

Lastly,  my check-up reports went missing from the hospital archives and I have no theory for it as I was not in my consciousness......

24 hour had already passed when the next blood test was done and ofcourse it came clean, pure B+ red liquid......

But I couldn’t understand why Dhwani didn’t come yesterday, when everyone was there....

Even though I noted down everything, I couldn’t make any head or tail out of it.

Atleast, I did accept that reading detective novels don’t make you a detective anyways.......

I tore the page from the pad rolled it and shrugged it into the pen's cap and shut the pen..
Sid, is no novice player, I am not going to let the police see it at all........

Does anyone wishes his highschool time to pass like this.....?

I think bad luck finds its good in me, so it never leaves me....

Everything sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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