What do you mean?

30 7 13

"You stupid piece of crap!! Are you drunk?!"

I was still celebrating  my world class goal but instead of restarting the game from the centre, the referee came forward and showed me a yellow card😧😡😲😲.....

"What did I do?!"

"You fool! You broke their defender's arm and pushed down two others....

Thank god you were not sent off....

Are you even playing soccer or wrestling on the field? "

Abhimanyu and Coach's stern lectures infuriated me more...

Did the defenders even come close?
It seemed as if light feathers moved past me?

After the game restarted again, I slowly gained control over myself....

*If you are taking the drug for the first time, you are bound to get side-effects but soon, you shall overcome it*


It was a formidable game after that..
I scored 5 goals myself and didn’t even pass the ball to my own teammates for once,🤣🤣😅🤣.......

Not everyone was happy, but who cares🤣......

"Tonight, party at Sid's palace!!!
Let's celebrate this victory!!!!!!"

Although my flat can't be called a palace but since my neighbours aren’t here for a week, the place is all mine🥳🥳🥳........

Hosting a party is the best way to be the boss, I thought and I can also get more closer to Dhwani through it....

Oh! And one more thing, today is Saturday, 😉

8:30 pm-

*Dhwani's pov*

"Dad, I'm going to Mita's home for an overnight study... I will be back tomorrow."

"Fine, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything."

"Sure dad, love you!"

After managing my dad, I got dressed for Sid's party. And took my essentials in a handbag......

*after 25 mins* (I get ready faster than any average girl of my age😉)

Oh! Abhi told me he would  pick me up from my house... Let me call him

"Hello Abhi, you told that you would pick me up? "

"I cannot pick you up from your room.. Come downstairs, I am waiting for 15 minutes"

😭😭😭 cmon Abhimanyu!!😭😭😭😭

I got downstairs,  got up on his bike and
Vroomm... We went to Sid's house.

"Which flat number did he say?"

We got onto the lift and found that 361 was on the 8th floor.

Please close the lift door properly and please don't smoke inside the lift cabin. Thank you

"The lady who did the announcement  is prohibiting us from smoking in here.."

"Yes Sid, do you have any problem? "

"No. But she didn’t prohibit us from doing something else in here😉...."

"What do you mean?😳"

Acquaintance.........Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora